A thousand points from Gryffindor!

Jan 14, 2009 02:11

Yeah, uh, no, creative writing class.

Context for everyone reading this: we're learning about performance poetry. One of the poems was this adorable romantic "hi I love you very much" poem, only it was written and performed by a girl and addressed -- shock! -- to another girl.

Creative writing class, I love you very much, but I respect you rather less when everyone is apparently of the loud and dismissive opinion that we should look down on her because she wrote about lesbians and you can't write about lesbians unless you're trying to be shocking and she didn't make it shocking so she failed. Because God forbid anyone just write about it as if it's normal.

To my eternal shame, I didn't actually say aloud that I disagreed when the discussion came up a couple of days after the performance, partly because I'm very bad at wording counter-arguments on the spot. I did surprise my (entirely uninvolved) housemates with said counter-argument out of the blue several days afterwards, because both the discussion itself and the fact that I didn't say anything had annoyed the living hell out of me.

And then I kinda wished that I hadn't, because it sometimes feels like I'm always on a soapbox about this or that or Prop 8 or something similar. And like I'm just generally being one of those people that gets complained about for being too in-your-face, and like people are going to resent me for that. Which might be crazy, since I tried to remember actual examples and sexuality hasn't come up a lot. But yeah.




lgbt kicks your ass, iemote: wtf wtf wtf, university life expansion pack

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