lienne and
ohhfantastic and
weaverandom and about a thousand other people who were a little further down my f'list.
Years roleplaying: I dabbled in what's technically roleplay in various guilds on TORC for a while beforehand, but my first official roleplay thread started in April 2004, and it was fantastic.
Least favourite character? Umm. Probably Daniel Bruce (
jumpingthetree), because I tried to play him at a point when I didn't know who the hell he was, and now he's mutated again and I'm just like ehh, I'll concentrate on his novel version.
Male or female characters? I do play guys a lot, for some reason, but I don't have a conscious favourite either way. (I think the Sylars may've biased that balance anyway. xD)
Oldest character played? Elfkin, a massive and immensely fun Mary-Sue who was actually around for
this and who now resides in a relatively depowered version under the screenname
smurfpin. She hasn't been played for a while, though.
Longest character played? You know, although I'll throw Elfkin into a LOLplot in dear_multiverse very occasionally, this honour should probably go to David Berman (
Newest character? If
lienne's subtle hints pay off, ALI AL SAACHEZ~~~
Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? immediate thought was the Narrator
thiswasfreedom, but uh, he has this thing. I could go on an uneducated psychology discussion for about fifty pages, or I could just say that someone would have to come up without warning and push him. So that leaves... the somewhat already-dead and canonically emotionally-volatile Judge Simon (
seesyoursins)? He knows he'd come back from it anyway.
Get drunk and pass out? I have no-one who drinks with reckless abandon! Clearly something is amiss. Although I get the feeling that probably about one shot would knock Bayami (
makesrain) under the table.
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Hai2 Sylar (
the_brain_man) and his flesh-melty spine-popping telekinetic funtiems!
Be far too hyper for their own good? Hah, I have to go for either Elfkin or Jona (
Be raped? ...You know, weirdly, probably
the_brain_man again. It's what happens when Chainsaw, well, exists in one's continuity. :(
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Gawd, Sylars, don't hog all the answers.
Get lung cancer? Daniel and the Narrator both smoke, so.
Star in a horror movie? HIS NAME IS SYLAR. Although actually probably
bad_wish could hold her own as the villain in a stalkery movie.
Star in a whore movie? My characters are ~puuuuure~ for some reason. Ahahaha Pyth, you said Razz, right? Can David have a cameo?
Star in a video game? Ditto (
copyblob), because, well, it does. In several. It's quite the little pink celebrity, in fact. :D
Make the world a better place? Lots of them want to; precious few are actually going about the task with any kind of sense or indeed morals. So uh. I think Elfkin helped save, if not the world, then at least the local endangered area a couple times?
Have a torrid gay love affair? Insinuous/Chainsaw Stephen Bell (
eureka_bell and/or
wrecking_bell). The boy doesn't have a clue when to say no, for a start. 9_9
Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love - Chips' (
quasi_atlantean) adorable little thing for
wrecking_bell is adorable.
Hate - Syyyyyyyyyyyyyyylar.
Money - Simon the dead yuppie.
Seduction - ~puuuuuuuuuure~ (although for a lot of them, you could say they were ~Seduced By Power~, also a couple of them are notoriously good at being seduced. Oh oh oh and Insinuous [
creepinsubtle], because his power is hawt.)
Lies - Well give me an S, give me a Y...
Tragedy - Probably Bayami, 'cause I think all the wayslaves are sort of inherently tragic.
Manipulation - I refuse to say Sylar again. Um, Insinuous is the other obvious choice.
Violence - ...Christine Riley (
redhead_mouse), yo. :(
Politics - Insinuous the crazy dictator dude.
Fire - Steven Juster! It's important in the novel. :D
Ice - I can either be obvious and say David, or be repetitive and say Sylar. Ah, choices.
Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Sure, if I put the research in and knew what I was talking about. I fail at threading sex scenes, but yanno, someone's job isn't the entirety of their personality.
Play a musician? Heck yeah, why not? (see also: research)
Play a pilot? Ditto the above.
Play a homosexual? Already do. Hell, my characters have more of a problem staying straight. *snorks*
Play a pedophile? ...Um, see, I have this tendency to come up with character concepts that I then chicken out of actually writing, like Chips' biokinetic dating methods, so that they only get alluded to. But I think I'd know before I tried that I'm too skeeved by this to write it well. So no.
Play a politician? Totally, if I'd put the research in and it seemed fun.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? that what
unbalancespring and
escapedwheel were for, or was the plot meant to be in there from the beginning? I forget. But yeah, I don't think I would. Threading smut gets boring for me too easily for me to want to devote an entire character to it.
Play a character who commits incest? Sure, why the hell not. Haha, Petrellicest has desensitized me.
ETA: Victory is ours. The house no longer smells like dead fish.