REPO! The Genetic Opera!

Nov 13, 2008 03:57

I've just gotten back from the movie experience of my year. I had to drive five hours round trip for two hours and it was totally more than worth it.

REPO! The Genetic Opera, starring Anthony Stewart Head, Alexis Vega and Paul Sorvino is the post apocalyptic opera you've all been waiting to see. Jason Blair and I went and had a total blast, singing along to Zydrate Anatomy and At The Opera. The songs are on the mark all the way through, the visuals are fantastic and you totally buy this as an actual opera. I loved the whole show through, especially the end scenes.

The only downside is that Lion's Gate screwed the movie after it is in the can. They didn't think it would recoup any costs or some crap and so the movie is only being released to show like 14 times in theaters. The Music Box in Chicago was sold out for it. I can't think that any other theater has any open seats for the show.

There's talk of a wide release sometime in December. I really hope it happens, just so that you all, my friends, can get the same great experience.
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