I Know the Creed

May 07, 2008 18:00

I finished Assassin's Creed last night and the game is solid good up until the last two fights of the game. I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't finished it, so those in the know, look below the cut.

Fighting all of the 'end bosses' at the same time is how old? Zelda Old? Megaman Old? It's unimaginative and we've all done it before. Fighting copies of the Big Big boss is equally ancient and equally hackneyed. Don't do it to us, especially when you have gone out of your way to make Assassins Creed fantastic.

Here's my take on the final Al Mualim Fight - You duke it out with the Man in Black, only to realize that he has forced you to kill someone important. Not Malik, as that would really suck, but the Swords-Master or someone else of note from the game. Now, you need to use your skills as an assassin to hunt down Al Mualim. Use your ability to climb, and move unseen to track him through the plagued city of Masyaf. The only way to destroy him is with a perfect assassination, a final leap and shiv to win, instead of a whole lot of sword fighting.
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