Apr 21, 2007 18:50
The local Green Party is organising a showing of Al Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth, on Thursday 26 April at 7.30 in the Environment Centre in St Alphege Lane, Canterbury (see attachment). This oscar-winning documentary has been a wake up call on climate change and has had a considerable impact on governments across the world. If you haven't already seen it, don't miss this opportunity!
Christian Aid, Oxfam and the WDM have all launched big campaigns on climate change in order to address the devastating impact which it is likely to have on developing countries. A Cut the Carbon march is taking place over 80 days this summer, starting in Belfast on 14 July and culminating in Central London on 2 October. There will be Cut the Carbon rallies in Edinburgh on 21 July, in Newcastle on 4 August, in Leeds on 11 August, in Birmingham on 27 August, in Cardiff on 8 September and a huge rally at the London Stock Exchange on Tuesday 2 October. For more information, visit: www.christianaid.org.uk/climate
'Forget about making poverty history. Climate change will make poverty permanent." (Nazmul Chowdhury, Practical Action, Bangladesh)