I should be packing.

May 13, 2008 12:34

I got home Thursday night and have had the last few days to myself.  No work.  So exciting.  Haven't heard about an extension from them so we'll have to see.  I leave tomorrow around 2ish to start my vacation.  I have super long layovers in LAX, but I'll try to make the best of it.  I need to get to work on the packing now.

Friday went to dinner and a charity performance at Gaslight with crazy model I know.  Realized driving home that air bag light was on again.  Went back to dealer on Monday for a fix and have to return in June and they'll replace the whole part.  Good thing I'm off that week as it's filling up with chores.  Have been trying to prep house for being gone.  Did laundry last night.  Planted a few seedlings this morning.  I have two more to plant but no cages for them so I'm not sure if I'm going to bother.  It's now raining and it's only 75 outside, a big difference than the 90+ weather we've been having.  It's a good day to pack and go through all those clothes I drug back from MKE.  It's going to be cold (70's or less) in Australia and warm (80's) and wet in Fiji.

Also plan to work on the One Fridge project, where I attempt to consolidate all the contents of the fridge in the garage so I can turn it off for the summer.  Might not be possible this week, but I'll try.  Have a movie to watch and return (Sweeny Todd).  Couldn't really see anything that interested me at Blockbuster.  Everything is so serious and depressing.  Meh.  Cleared off DVR so I can tape my regulars.  Saw DaVinci Code and was very intrigued by the whole idea - was impressed by his detail and imagination (I'd not read the book).  Starting watching Rent and like what I'd saw, regardless of bad reviews.  Now I'm watching old Prisoner episodes.  I've got a bunch of old BSG (season 1) to watch but they can be hard to watch sometimes. 
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