A bit of a tidy up

Jan 03, 2011 12:22

Having seen and been inspired by the housekeeping posts made by some of my f-listees, I thought I should probably have a look through all the fandom-related rambling I did in 2010 and see if it warranted organising. To my surprise, there was quite a lot of it.

Here, then are the thinky-thoughts, reviews, picspams, fanfic and meta that I posted last year:

Doctor Who

S5 Episode reviews:

The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory of the Daleks
The Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
Vampires of Venice
Amy’s Choice
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang

A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol - more thoughts

Other reviews, thinky-thoughts and meta:

SJA - Death of the Doctor

The Doctor Who Prom, 2010

Through Rose-Tinted Spectacles. Spurred on by an essay in Chicks Dig Time Lords I try to work out why I’m not fond of Rose.

General S5 musings posted 12th April 2010.

Sounds like a cue for a Song Thoughts about River - some of which have now been Jossed. Written 23rd April 2010.

Mid-season thoughts on S5 I manage to include some musical metaphors when talking about RTD and Moffat’s styles when it comes to DW.

More thoughts on Vincent and the Doctor - written 7th June 2010.

A Crack too far Ramblings on the structure of S5, written 13th June 2010.

More thoughts on the Pandorica - written 20th June 2010, so theories may have since been Jossed!

Not liking the iDaleks!

Do. Not. Want. The S6 split.

Series 5 OST review.

Voicing an Unpopular Opinion - I LIKE Voyage of the Damned!

A Duster too Far in which I rant about stuff that bugs me in Ten-centric fanfic.

Thoughts about the 2009 specials

Still mourning Ten through music

Why am I so sad about the demise of a fictional character? posted 9th January 2010.

The End of Ten and The End of Time

End of Time Part 1 I know that was in 2009, but it’s here for completeness.


1x01 - A Study in Pink
1x03 - The Great Game

Single Father

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

The 30 Days of Nu-Who meme

Day 1 - Favourite Incarnation of the Doctor
Day 2 - Favourite Companion
Day 3 - Favourite Villain/Monster/Alien/Baddie of the Week
Day 4 - Favourite Character
Day 5 - Favourite Guest Star
Day 6 - Least Favourite Character
Day 7 - Favourite Episode
Day 8 - Favourite Series
Day 9 - Least Favourite Episode
Day 10 - Favourite Scene/Moment
Day 11 - Scene/Moment that makes you cry
Day 12 - Scene/Moment that makes you giggle
Day 13 - Favourite Era visited by The Doctor & Co.
Day 14 - Fave Doctor Moment
Day 15 - Fave Rose Moment
Day 16 - Fave Martha Moment
Day 17 - Fave Donna Moment
Day 18 - Fave Amy Moment
Day 19 - Favorite Ship
Day 20 - Prettiest Scene
Day 21 - Favourite Location
Day 22 - Something Silly
Day 23 - Something Epic
Day 24 - Favourite Accessory of the Doctor's
Day 25 - Favourite Tardis Team
Day 26 - Scene/Moment that made you go 'awww'
Day 27 - Scene/Moment that made you go 'argh'
Day 28 - Favourite Series Arc
Day 29 - Favourite Music/Song
Day 30 - Why Do YOU Love Doctor Who?

30 Days of TV meme

Includes a lot of Doctor Who and The West Wing - here’s the 30 Days of TV tag.

Cliff, marry, shag... Yes. Very erudite, I know.


Ten from Start to Finish Okay, so this is technically a 2011 post, but I’m putting it here anyway for completeness. Or something.

Happy Birthday Doctor!

Several pretty men who aren’t David Tennant. And one who is. *g*

Tennant in a Tux

Six Months On - post Ten

The Obscene Amount of Pretty Picspam in which I ponder whether I’m in a rut as regards my fangirling choices

Doctor Who Season 2 Rewatch picspams and meta (more pics and less meta in S2!). This is a link to the S2 rewatch tag.

Doctor Who Season 3 Rewatch picspams and meta. This is a link to the S3 rewatch tag.

Doctor Who Season 4 Rewatch picspams and meta. This is a link to the S4 rewatch tag.

Ten of the Best Ten of Ten. 1st January 2010 (pre transmission of EoT)


2010 has only seen me writing in one fandom - but when have I ever done anything else?! - and it’s all over at my fic journal.

doctor who, review, 30 days of tv, david tennant, murray gold, single father, dw rewatch s3, meta, dw rewatch s4, sja, sherlock, bw, dw rewatch s2, telly, dw s5, fic, fannish things, 30 days of nu-who, music, picspam, memes, the pretty, dw rewatch 2009 specials

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