The Crimson Prince: part I

Aug 14, 2011 01:16

 The HMS Eryines was five weeks out of Plymouth. The ocean was an azure blue in all directions as far as the eye could see. It was almost calm except for where the ship’s bow ploughed through the water. The entire ship was abuzz with the expectation that any day now the lookout would cry from the crow’s nest overhead `land ho!’

Everyone that is, except for Jimmy Castiel Novak Jr. He was not abuzz with anything. In fact the closer they got to land the more the knot in his stomach tightened and troubled him. He was not a man given to being sick or taken to fretting, but the situation was unusual enough that even his formidable nerves were being heavily taxed.

Spending his entire adult life in the British Navy had exposed Castiel to more experiences and adventure than most of his countrymen could claim, but becoming a Captain and Commander of the entire Jamaican fleet was a big step. Landfall would be the start of his new commission and he was looking forward to the Eryines arrival in Port Royal with both excitement and dread.

Still, it was not the responsibility of commanding the fleet that had really set his nerves to jangling. Castiel’s eyes drifted towards the miniature portrait in its place of honor over his sea chest. The long dark curls and vibrant dark eyes of his fiancé as she smiled coyly out at him gave his heart a flutter. Marrying the governor’s niece was almost as great of a responsibility as commanding the fleet would be, but he was determined to do his duty to both.

Miss Meghan Carter was everything he could have imagined wanting in a woman and her commitment to him could not be doubted. Even though she disliked ocean travel and the sea air did not agree with her, she had agreed to accompany him to his new posting, and once there to become his wife. A year of diligent attention and courtly romance had won him his prize, and his only regret was her discomfort as she rested in her own cabin.

Castiel made his way to his favorite spot along the bow rail where he could have the illusion of privacy and the clean sea air in his face, easing his anxiety. Everything seemed to be going so well, and yet in the back of his mind was still the niggling feeling that there was just ...something to be wary of. The habit of an old soldier when too many things seemed to be going right.

It could have been the shadow of his childhood home. The plantation he had grown up on in Jamestown was only a few days’ voyage north from Port Royal. He had not visited since his father had sent him away to boarding school in England at age twelve, and he had no intention of visiting now. He had nothing in common with his father except shared first and last names.

The wet nurse who had raised him was the only true parent he had ever had, and she had raised him like a brother with her own son, Dean Campbell. Dean had been Castiel’s constant childhood companion. Leaving him had been the worst part of being sent away.

Any chance that Castiel might have forgiven his father for the separation had been lost when he had received news of Dean’s death when he was sixteen. Little love had been lost between them anyways, but that had been the last straw and any communication since had been as strict and cordial as that between any strangers.

Castiel had refused his father’s desire that he return to Virginia to run the family plantation and instead he had taken to the sea and enlisted in His Majesty’s Navy.

Dean would have approved. The boy who had taken to the sea himself and died aboard a merchant ship would have been proud of any path Castiel took that was his own and not at another’s dictate. Castiel was certain Dean had been trying to reach England to help Castiel flee the virtual prison of his school at St. Mary’s.

It was only ill chance that the notorious pirate, The Crimson Prince, had struck that merchant ship and taken Dean’s life. But years of hard work and social connection had finally paid off, in his position as Naval Commander for the Jamaican fleet Castiel would be in complete control of the British vessels in the water’s the Prince favored. He was determined to revenge his friend’s murder, and make the waters safer for other merchants on innocent business.

Port Royal was the Promised Land as far as Castiel was concerned. He would have his commission, a woman of his choosing to wed, and finally, finally, a chance to lay to rest the ghost of his childhood friend. That much was owed, both to Dean and to himself.

Evening saw Castiel waiting by the hatchway that led below decks and to the passenger cabins. Miss Flanders, Meghan’s maid had sent him word that she would be joining him for dinner in Captain Edwards’ cabin this evening.

Castiel took it as a good sign. Meghan certainly had not had her sea legs for most of the journey and he was beginning to think he would not get the chance to see her for the remainder of their voyage.

“A penny for your thoughts James.” Meghan greeted him as she stepped up onto the deck.

Her fingers were clasped in the front of her dress to keep it out of the way as she had climbed the stairs. She let go of the material and bent forward slightly as she smoothed it over.

The dress was midnight blue and was all the fashion in Paris but totally inappropriate for sailing. It accentuated her curves, before it flared out into a flowing skirt that Meghan needed to lift to move around the ship easily.

It practically verged on the indecent with the amount of her alabaster skin it revealed. She had a parasol over one shoulder and matching blue fingerless gloves on each hand. Her thick dark hair was combed and pinned up into an elaborate bouffant. From which long strands hung down over her shoulders, making a stark contrast to the paleness of her skin.

Castiel could not help but smile at how divine she looked. His chest always felt lighter when she smiled at him. Castiel took his hat from off his head as he stepped forward and stood in front of her.

He was aware that Miss Flanders, Meghan’s maid and chaperon was standing behind her. But it did not stop him from leaning in close to her. He caught a hint of lilacs before he caught her hand and stepped back.

“My lady.” Castiel bowed, bringing his heels together and bending at the waist. The whole process ended with him pressing a kiss to the smooth creamy skin on the back of her fingers.

“Would you allow me the honor of escorting you to the Captain’s table?” Castiel asked her with a smile as he stood and placed his hat back onto his head, tipping it slightly in a show of respect to Miss Flanders.

“Oh James, please. Do not be so foolish.” She laughed, batting at his chest softly with her free hand. Castiel chuckled and moved around placing her delicate gloved hand in the crook of his elbow before he led her toward the captain’s cabin.

The dinner at the captain’s table was not exactly a la carte. But it was good company and that was all that mattered. Captain Edwards sat at the head of the table with his officers on the left and the passengers on the right.

Captain Edwards was a portly older fellow, with sallow cheeks and bad breath. Castiel had come to realize that there were quite a few captains like that. Men that brought their rank instead of working their way up from the bottom like Castiel had.

Lieutenant Anders, the second in command on the ship, was the same age as Castiel. The young lieutenant was also working his way up through the ranks.

Castiel smiled as Meghan slid her hand over his thigh as she told the captain and the lieutenant how they had met.

“He was such a dear.” Meghan said as she glanced at him before smiling at the lieutenant. “We met at a dinner party. One of those boring social do’s that everybody who is anybody is there even though they are boring as all get out.”

It was fascinating watching her talk. The way her eyes sparkled and every so often, if Castiel watched close enough, he could see the tip of her tongue peek out over her bottom lip.

“It was a year ago was it not, James?” She asked, squeezing his thigh. She favoured him with a smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Castiel licked his own bottom lip and nodded.

“He looked so awkward standing in the corner in his lieutenant’s uniform. All the girls wanted to dance with him. Thankfully for me, he could not. His leg was still healing.” Meghan tells them with a smile.

“You were injured?” Lieutenant Anders asked with a frown as his attention turned to Castiel.

“Yes…Uh, Yes.” Castiel had to place his hand over Meghan’s before it trailed any higher up his thigh. “I was injured in a battle with the Spanish off the coast of France. I had to spend six months convalescing in London.” Castiel answered with a curt nod to Anders.

“I know it sounds awful to be grateful that he was injured but we never would have met if the unfortunate circumstance of his injury had not occurred.” Meghan pouted slightly at him before she took her hand back from his thigh with a playful wink.

“But if he had been able to, James would have danced with every single woman who had asked and I never would have even had the chance to speak to him.” She explained.

“No instead she stalked me when I went outside to get some air and seduced me in the garden.” Castiel smiled and shook his head, covering his glass as the mate offered to refill it.

“Mister Novak!” Meghan feigned surprise and covered her heart with her hand. Everyone except for Captain Edwards and Miss Flanders thought it humorous. But Castiel was not surprised by that. He did not think that Miss Flanders even knew how to laugh. Captain Edwards just looked tired.

Noticing that Edwards looked tired as well, Anders suggested, “Perhaps we should call it a night. Let the young ladies get their rest?”

“Yes, yes Lieutenant. That sounds like a splendid idea,” Edwards said wiping at his brow with a handkerchief. Edwards pushed back his chair and stood. “Good evening Sir, Ladies.”

“Walk me back to my cabin, James?” Meghan asked squeezing Castiel’s thigh once the captain had left the room.

Miss Flanders made a snorting sound into the back of her hand. It made Meghan pull a face and remove her hand from his lap.

“I would be more than happy to walk you and Miss Flanders back to your cabin.” Castiel offered with a smile.

“Goodnight lieutenant, gentlemen.” Meghan offered before she too stood. Castiel joined her, holding out his elbow as he stood waiting for her to loop her hand through his elbow before he led her out into the cool night air.

Castiel was woken by roar of cannons. He grabbed his pistol and sword, racing out of his cabin and made his way to the main deck, the sounds of shouting and musket fire all so obvious now that he was awake.

“What is happening?” Castiel called as he emerged from below decks. The ship was under fire and the main mast had been cleaved in two by cannon fire. The only reason it had not toppled completely was because it had crashed against the Mizzenmast and was tangled in the rigging.

The men were lined in rifle ranks along the port side of all three decks. Castiel looked across them to the approaching ship. At least with them being this close they would stop firing their cannons. However, it also meant that the HMS Eryines could not use her cannons either.

At the stern of the enemy vessel Castiel could just make out her flag fluttering in the wind through the smoke that rose from his own ship. It was completely blood red. The Jolie Rouge. It meant that this attacking ship was none other than the Crimson Prince himself.

Things became a blur then. The men battled to stop the pirates from boarding as Castiel took position with them. They had to kill every last pirate or none of them were getting out of this alive.

Pretty soon though, it devolved from organized rifle lines of defence to skirmishes all across the deck of the ship. Fists and cutlasses and belaying pins as the men struggled against the pirates.

“Show them no mercy!” A voice boomed across the deck and Castiel raised his head. A pirate, a man who was obviously the captain stood on the railing one hand twisted in the rigging to keep his balance. The fire near the front of the ship illuminated the man’s face and Castiel was fairly certain that the image of it was burned on his retina as he started to fight his way through the battle.

The pirate captain known as the Crimson Prince stepped down onto the deck and Castiel momentarily lost sight of him through the throngs of men. But the bright claret red coat that the Prince wore made it fairly easy to spot and track him as he made his way to the quarterdeck.

A sword clanged near his head and Castiel had to turn to deal with one of the pirates who had stepped too close. His sword sank easily into the man’s gut before Castiel pulled it back and continued forward.

Castiel found himself fighting on the quarterdeck beside the lieutenant and the captain, not that the captain was really doing much fighting. It was more cowering than an actual fight.

“Give the order to surrender, lieutenant.” A small croak of a voice sounded behind them. Anders frowned, looking at Castiel before turning to look at the captain.

“Captain?” Anders questioned the order, shocked that the captain would even give it.

Edwards looked as pale as a ghost, paler than normal if that was even possible. When Anders questioned him, red flushed to Edwards’ cheeks and he snapped back angrily. “I am the Captain of this vessel and you will do as I say!”

Anders scowled slightly before nodding his head. “Stand down men. Stand down!” Anders shouted over the din of the battle.

The fight continued a few more moments before a sullen silence fell over the decks. The men of the HMS Eryines looked to the lieutenant and then the captain before the first sword clattered to the ground.

Slowly, one by one, the men surrendered their swords. Each metallic clank of sword dropping against wood was like a crushing blow that echoed the defeat that it was.

Castiel could see them scowling and cursing at the pirates in front of them. There were quite a few injuries, on both sides, and Castiel just hoped that more pirates then the crew were injured or dead.

The Crimson Prince made his way up to the quarterdeck to speak to the captain. The man wore a coat of Claret velvet and a vest of similar colour underneath. It made the white of his linen shirt underneath stand out. His eyes were of a deep green with flecks of gold like the trees back in Virginia.

The man wore a tri-corner hat but Castiel could just see the beginnings of a scar that started above the man’s right eyebrow and disappeared under the band of the hat. There was a red ribbon tying back the man’s light brown, shoulder length hair. He looked ready for a fight, armed with a sword slung low on his hip and two flintlock pistols tucked into a belt round his waist.

Everything about the man screamed ‘cutthroat’. Castiel clenched his fists at his sides and bit his bottom lip to swallow the anger at finally being face to face with the pirate that had killed his childhood friend and not being able to do anything about it. He had to make sure that he kept Meg safe now.

The pirates spread out across the ship gathering all of the ship’s crew into one large group at the far edge of the main deck. The pirates even went below deck and started dragging up all of the men and passengers that were hiding down there as well.

When Meg and Miss Flanders were escorted onto the deck, Castiel could not help but take a step forward. The small blond pirate that was still holding his sword stood in front of him. The action forced Castiel to watch the women from over the young man’s shoulder. At least they were just added to the crowd and they seemed alright, although Meg looked angry.

“Well, Captain, thank you for giving me your ship so cooperatively. If you and your men remain calm, I can carry out my business and we will let you be on your way shortly.” The pirate captain voiced calmly with a smirk on his lips.

“You are the Crimson Prince. You do not let people be on their way. Unless by such a thing you mean to send them on their way to Davey Jones’ locker,” Smythe, the helmsman, spat out.

Captain Edwards glared wide-eyed at Smythe and more colour drained from his face. “Please forgive my man, Captain. He meant nothing by it.”

The Crimson Prince laughed and shook his head. “I like a man that is not afraid to speak his mind.” He leaned closer to Smythe and the mirth on his face drained away until he looked quite threatening. “But I would be more than happy to send you on your way right now if that is what you wish.”

The Crimson Prince straightened and it was like nothing had happened. The smile coming back on his face and he winked at the blond pirate who was standing by Castiel. The only evidence there had even been an altercation was the fact that Smythe was now the same white color as Captain Edwards.

A tall man wearing just breeches and a vest with a broad belt slung over his chest, from which hung a large cutlass that sat at the man’s hip, approached the Crimson Prince. The man was carrying paper work and Castiel recognized it as the passenger and cargo manifest.

“He is here. Only thing is, he is a she,” the tall man stated. He leaned forward slightly so that only the Captain and the men close around him would hear.

The Pirate Captain seemed surprised, raising his head and stepping forward to the edge of the deck to look down at the crowd. He looked at the papers he had taken from the tall man and frowned.

“Crap.” The Crimson Prince screwed up his nose and made his way back toward Captain Edwards.

“Tell me, Captain. It says here on your manifest that you have a passenger by the name of Meghan Carter. Can you tell me which of the two ladies she is?” The Crimson Prince did not even look at the captain as he asked, opting to instead continue reading through the passenger list.

Captain Edwards scrunched up his face and glanced at Castiel for a moment before he sighed softly. “She is the one wearing the blue dress with the dark hair.”

The pirate captain continued to read down the manifest. He showed little interest until something on the list made him scrunch up his face. “Novak?” The Crimson Prince raised his head and looked at the passengers assembled on the main deck.

Castiel took the opportunity of the distraction to act. A growl left his throat as he grabbed the hilt of his sword and shoved the blond pirate towards the others. His sword pulled free of the scabbard as the pirate fell and, in two strides, Castiel bounded over the railing to land with a thud on the main deck. He manoeuvred himself between the pirates and Meg, holding his sword at the ready to fight anyone who went near her.

The young pirate fell against the taller one, who caught him in his arms and set him back up on his feet before he could fall to the floor. The young pirate pushed the taller man away and drew the pistol from his belt.

Taking aim at Castiel, the young pirate stepped closer to the railing. There was no way he was going to let the soldier get away with shoving him like that.

“Jo!” The Crimson Prince stepped forward placing his hand under the pistol and shoving it up so that it discharged into the air. Jo scowled at him and was about to argue with him when The Crimson Prince shook his head. “This one is mine.”

The Crimson Prince stared down at young Jo, making sure that he would leave off before he stepped forward and made the same jump down to the main deck as Castiel had done. There was a smile on his lips as the Crimson Prince came and stood directly before him. Just out of reach of Castiel’s sword.

“I will not permit you or any of your men to touch these women,” Castiel stated drawing himself to his full height and facing the pirate.

“Oh how very gallant of you, but we only intend on taking one of them,” The Crimson Prince informed him as he removed his hat and handed it to the tall pirate that had come and stood next to him.

“I will not let you touch her,” Castiel threatened, his voice deep and clear in the space between them.

“Oh Sir, do not worry. We have no intention of harming her,” The Crimson Prince told him with a smile before he removed the pistols from his belt. Then he proceeded to remove the belt that was slung across his shoulder and hand all of it to the other pirate.

“But we are going to take her.” The Crimson Prince removed his coat handing it to the tall pirate before he stood en garde with his sword held out in front of him. The Crimson Prince touched his sword to Castiel’s and grinned. “Well, are you going to just stand there or are you going to fight me?”

Castiel frowned, uncertain about facing the pirate. Surely, the man would just cheat. Or perhaps one of the pirate’s men would just shoot him. But he had to keep Meg safe. If the pirates killed him, he would not be able to do that.

“If I defeat you then you will leave without Miss Carter.” Perhaps Castiel could at least turn this too his advantage. A few of the pirates laughed at his suggestion. The pirate captain raised an eyebrow and looked at the tall man next to him.

“Please, do not risk your life for me,” Meg pleaded as she stepped forward and put her hand on Castiel’s arm.

Castiel shook his head. He knew better to than to take the word of a pirate but perhaps he could delay them enough that he could come up with a better means of escape than what they had. He patted her hand before moving forward again so that she was behind him and he was facing the pirate.

“You will not defeat me,” The Crimson Prince told him with a shrug of his shoulders. “But I give ye my word no harm will come to her if you do.”

The two men came together. Their swords clashing and each time they moved the steel of their blades would sing through the air.

The man was fast and he was a good swordsman, The Crimson Prince had to give him that. Not good enough to beat him though. He stepped back a little, giving the man ground, letting him think he had the upper hand. The Crimson Prince only defended himself from the blows, not bothering to fight back.

Castiel twirled his sword, letting it hiss through the air as he glared at the pirate. The man was obviously toying with him. He feinted to the left but the pirate anticipated the feint. Instead of Castiel landing a blow, the pirate’s sword sliced across Castiel’s upper arm.

Castiel stepped back from the pirate, his hand going up to cover the cut.

“Giving up already? That was hardly even a challenge,” the pirate quipped.

Castiel knew he should not let the pirate get under his skin. This fight was far too important to be goaded into losing his head. The pirate smirked at him and Castiel lunged. Their swords coming together before they moved apart again.

The onlookers spread out until there was a circle of pirates and sailors spread around them. They watch as the two men move across the deck, bringing their steel to bear against each other. The two men were fairly evenly matched as they move in and out around the main mast.

Castiel tried to keep calm but all he wanted to do is to wipe that grin off the smug pirate’s face. It took a few more lunges and swings but eventually, Castiel managed to slash the sword across the man’s chest.

“This was my favorite shirt,” the pirate said with a scowl as he stepped back and looked down at his chest. The blow had been close but it had only cut the material of his shirt and missed the skin of his chest. He looked back at Castiel with a grin.

The fray was joined again, swords clashing as they moved across the deck. Castiel managed to back the pirate into a corner but he did not stay there long enough for it to be of any advantage. Castiel’s brow furrowed with concentration as he moved, almost dancing to keep up with the pirate’s sword work.

Castiel lunged but the pirate deflected the sword point, making the blade graze over his thigh instead of letting it impale him. The pirate grimaced at the sting of the cut and there were no smart remarks in reply this time.

The pirate moved forward as their swords struck together, grabbing the man’s left arm and stepping close so that their crossed swords were pinned between them and their faces and bodies were close enough that he could feel the man’s heart racing.

Castiel had not expected the pirate to get this close. He gasped as the pirate pulled him closer and pinned their swords between them. Castiel glared at him.

“So tell me hero, do you have a name?” The Prince asked as Castiel struggled in his grip. Castiel could not make the man let go of his arm and if he was the one that stepped back, he would be giving the pirate the advantage.

“Why do you care? You are going to kill me anyway,” Castiel huffed as he tried to stop the pirate from stepping him back into a corner.

“Perhaps I want to know so I can have it put on your tombstone,” the pirate argued. It was kind of a pointless argument considering that if you were buried at sea, you did not get a tombstone.

“Tell me what you want with Miss Carter and I will tell you my name,” Castiel asked. He still did not know why the pirates wanted her.

The pirate shoved him away, breaking the deadlock and lowered his sword. Castiel watched as the man seemed to contemplate whether telling Castiel what he planned to do with the woman was a good idea or not. Castiel just hoped he had earned it after a fight like that

“Her uncle is safely tucked away behind the one hundred and six guns that guard Port Royal’s seaward approach. If we have his niece, we plan to lure him out for a fair fight.” The pirate doubted that Governor Carter was capable of such a thing but it was better than having your ship sunk before you reached harbor.

Castiel was a little surprised. He had not actually expected the pirate to give him quarter and tell him why he wanted Meg. He frowned as he considered the reason.

“Of course, we were expecting a nephew and not a niece but I am sure she will be an even better lure to draw Governor Carter out of his fortress and away from the cannon,” the pirate informed him somewhat smugly. “In fact, he might even pay a higher ransom for her than he would for a nephew.”

“My uncle will kill every last one of you,” Meg fumed from where she stood. One of the pirates had his hand around her arm to keep her in place.

“Oh trust me, he has tried. He just has not been very successful so far.” The pirate told her with a glance and another of his smug looking grins.

“I am her fiancé. We are to be married when we reach Port Royal.” Castiel told the pirate. If he cannot defeat the pirate, then perhaps he can stop them from taking her. “Take me instead.”

“What?” Both the pirate captain and the tall pirate asked in unison. The captain lowered his sword and looked at the tall man next to him with a raised eyebrow before turning his gaze back to Castiel.

“Take me instead. I am sure her uncle will pay just as much ransom for his soon-to-be nephew-in-law.” Castiel could only hope that he could persuade the pirates to leave Meg alone.

“James, no. Do not be foolish.” Meg looked shocked. She attempted to stride forward but the pirate that had hold of her merely tightened his grip and kept her from moving.

“James?” The pirate looked at Castiel with a modicum of surprise etched on his face. “James Novak?”

Castiel frowned at the pirate. He did not recognize the man but then the pirate probably knew his father’s name. A lot of people in Virginia knew the name James Novak. He was one of the richest landowners in all of the Colonies.

“No, James. I will not let you be taken by a bunch of scurvy cutthroats.” Meg spat as she slapped the face of the pirate that held her arm. She struggled to get free of his grip but he just shook her and stuck a pistol barrel up under her chin.

The pirate captain laughed long and loud. The sound of it seemed to echo off the sails and reverberate across the deck. The pirate looked as though he thought it was priceless; this argument was not going to change anything.

Castiel glared in defiance at the pirate captain, the man’s green eyes were like the colour of the sea before a storm. They flickered and
shifted to Castiel’s left slightly. But before he could turn around something hard and heavy impacted with the back of his skull.

The deck rushed up to meet him and it was hard and cold and wet with sea foam. Castiel could make out a pair of boots standing in front of him but his vision swayed too violently to tell exactly who they belonged to before his eyes fell closed.

The pirate captain looked up at the dark skinned pirate who was tucking his pistol back into his belt. “Rufus?”

“I do not know about you ladies, but this game has gone on long enough. Let us get her on our ship and be off before we gets caught with our finger in the pie as it were.” The pirate named Rufus said.

“What about this one?” Someone asked and a boot nudged at Castiel’s ribs.

The last thing Castiel heard before the pain that throbbed between his skull and his brain dragged him into unconsciousness was the words, “I want him alive. Put them both in the hold with the rest of the spoils. Set fire to everything else.”

More booty this way

art: writing, everyone should be a pirate, character: meg, destiel, character: castiel, character: dean, character: alistair, fanfic: the crimson prince, supernatural ate my soul

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