random stuff is random.

May 24, 2011 14:25

So i have been a busy little bee of late,

Still working on getting to the final draft of my spn_j2_bigbang

Making artwork for sncross_bigbang

Down to my last two weeks of school. I have no idea what im doing but apparently i rather competently directed my first horror film! will keep you posted because I am so putting that on youtube!

Also RL has been ridiculously busy.

I cut my hair.

MY son went to live with his dad. I wouldn't mind so much if the kid called me once in a blue moon to say hi. Oh well now i guess i know how my mum feels when i don't talk to her all the time like i used to.

My baby girl turns sixteen in a little under three weeks. I can't believe how grown up she is. She is already hassling me to teach her to drive!

My other baby girl is doing well. Although im getting into trouble all the time because i cant remember all of the letter land letters and i get severely told off if i get one wrong!

I got  a new car. well actually its a shitty old one but its newer and better than the POS i did have.

real life update, the offspring

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