An attempt at Meta about demons eyes and spoilers for 6x20

May 13, 2011 13:50

So I see a lot of talk about Demon's eye color. And given the recent developments in Season 6 i wanted to try my hand at a little Meta about it. Or at least see if i can sound like i can talk about interesting and intellectual stuff.

It all started with Crowley.
We have only seen Crowley in nine episodes so far and as of yet we have not seen Crowley's eyes.

Mark Sheppard even mentioned in an interview how interesting it is that they have never seen Crowley's eye color on the show.

Not that this ever bothered me. There are lots of reason for this.

Budget. (those contact lenses are expensive)
Health. (Those things can damage your eyes and mark might have opted not to wear one)
THe efect. (if its digitally done that's expensive and time consuming because you have pay the effects guy to make the expensive computer software color in the eyes.)
Which brings us back to budget.

Crowley was a human who became a demon.  When Lilith died he stole her job making him king of the Crossroads when we first meet him and the assumption always was that as a cross roads demon he had red eyes or white since he replaced lilith.

I think a lot of people assume that the Demon's eye color has to do with rank.

Lowly Demon's have black eyes.

Crossroads Demons have red eyes

White eyes seem to be for those who have been Demon's longer. Lilith was one of the very first demons.

Yellow eyes seem to be for fallen angels or biblical demons (depending on which side you lean, for who Azazel was.)

The only confirmed fallen angel we saw, Lucifer. Well we didn't see his eye color either.

And As much as i subscribe to the whole Crowley being the good omen's Crowley. I don't see it really being the case since Crowley's background is that he was a 16th century Scottish dude named Fergus McLeod who sold his soul to get a bigger dick. That being the case Even as he worked his way up the ranks from lowly tortured soul to demon, to crossroads demon, to king of the crossroads and finally king of hell. I don't really see Crowley magically becoming a fallen angel. (so no he wouldn't have yellow eyes.)

But as has been revealed in 6x20 The man who would be king. The more souls one has possession of the more power one can wield. so what if it the demon hierarchy works in such a way.

What if black eyed Demons are just schmucks using the power of their own lost souls to run havoc because they haven't had the chance to learn better yet.

What if a red eyed demon is the next step up. Ive done a few deals collected enough souls to make the energizer bunny jealous and that makes their eyes red?

What if After collecting souls and using them as your play things torture victims over centuries and your like a nuclear power plant of soul power. your eyes would be white.

Make that Millennia and you'd have yellow eyes.

When you look at it that way it doesn't matter what color eyes Crowley has. Because as the king of hell he is in control of the whole downstairs power grid. He can even afford to front Cas 50k souls just so he will play nice.

Azazel was never in charge of the whole place. just the leader of one of the factions.

So i think people should stop thinking about what color Crowley's eyes are and more about just how bad ass Crowley is now. Alistair kicked Castiel's ass and he was only a white eyed loser with only a couple thousand batteries up his ass.

Crowley is plugged into the entire grid. Every soul in hell at his disposal and he is working on trying to open Purgatory. You really think he is going to Let Cas piggy back on his power supply?

What i think is that Crowley is pretending, to get what he wants. and he wants purgatory. He is pretending to be weaker, that Cas can kick his ass so that he doesn't have to worry while he solves the riddle of opening the door.

That's the question we should be asking. When they find purgatory will Crowley reveal his real strength and just snap his fingers lucifer style to be rid of Castiel?

So I Don't think i really answer the question i was trying to answer when this popped into my head but i think i answered my own questions.

thinky thoughts about thinky things, character: crowley, supernatural ate my soul

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