Oh the joys of defriending.

Apr 09, 2011 17:03

 So i was defriended by some one today.

It was my own fault. I know. see i have this policy of always being honest when i comment on people's journal's. I mean its so easy to speak shit among the faceless masses but i decided fuck that. Its not who i am. I endeavor to always be honest and speak my mind.

Thats what LIVE JOURNAL is for right?

I mean i have been defriended before. One time it was like the day after i friended some one just because they felt i didn't comment enough on their journal. yeah i know stupid right.

And there is ofcourse the whole debacle of you must have commented and posted and blah blah blah wank that I gave up on because Im not EVER begging people to comment on my journal because again I'm not here for that. Sure its nice to have some one say "hey you" or "nice work" etc but i can get that in real life.

This journal is just some where i want to speak my mind and post my art/fic because it needs to be somewhere.

But Defriending has always struck me as a little stupid some times. Sure i understand cleaning up. I have done it myself. there are journal's out there with no posts ever or there is that one stalker that you really don't like any more. Or because they bad mouth you on their Journal. I mean go ahead  But its got to be for legitimate reasons people.

You shouldn't defriend just because you don't agree with someone's choice of music, or their choice of friends. This isn't the school yard and we are not in second grade.

People are entitled to their own opinion's and they do not have to agree with you on everything. If you can have an intelligent argument with someone that doesn't devolve to name calling where you can both discuss your differences of opinions like rational adults then AWESOME.

But this defriending was my fault. I inferred that someone was acting like a twelve year old and quite frankly i shouldn't have. I broke my own rules of respecting another's opinion in my attempt to voice my concerns over their choice of what seemed to be immature actions.

I was wrong.

I'm not saying that what that person did wasn't wrong because I still have an issue with what they did. But resorting to name calling by me lowers me to the standard of the kind of person who should be defriended. and i wish to apologize for that.

real life update, i cannot believe the stuff people do

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