A drabble or two or three

Dec 29, 2010 22:20

So i wrote some drabbles to fill stockings over at spn_gabriel

Title: Candy Cane
Pairing: Gabe/Candy +Jimmy
Word count: 403
A/N: Thunder_Nari's stocking
Summary: Gabriel eats Candy in front of Jimmy.

When the guy that looked like a school janitor told him he was Castiel’s brother, Jimmy had expected cold and clinical that same kind of awkward Sociopath as Cas. But Gabriel was nothing like that.

Jimmy watched as the guy sucked on what Jimmy was beginning to consider, the most phallic candy cane he has ever seen. Hell the grin on Gabriel's face as he sucked was bad enough but the occasional groan just made it even more sexual than it should be. It was making Jimmy uncomfortable as he slipped a finger behind the knot of his tie and loosened it slowly.

“You know,” Gabriel mumbled around swirls of red and white before he pulled the candy cane from his lips with an obscene plop. Jimmy found himself mesmerized by the movement of those lips and stared. Completely ignoring the fact Gabriel was now pointing at him with the wet, sucked smooth and colorless end of the candy cane.

“for a vessel, your kind of hot.” Gabriel smirks at him. Jimmy really isn’t sure how to take that. Not sure if the guy is joking or serious because the smirk is making his insides twist in knots.

“Uh… Thanks?” Jimmy frowns awkwardly.

But Gabriel doesn’t stop there. He sticks the candy cane back in the corner of those red and moist lips and moves closer. His hands grabbing the lapels of Jimmy’s coat and abruptly pushing them back over his shoulders.

“Course” Gabriel talked around the candy cane. Had it clenched in his teeth like Clint Eastwood in a bad western. And even that did things to Jimmy's insides that it really shouldn’t. “This coat has to go. It’s way to cliché.” Gabriel pulls the coat down till its free and casts it over his shoulder with out a second look.

There is a swagger in his step as he moves back. Then his eyes travel slowly down and then back up again as he gives Jimmy the once over. The look in Gabriel’s eyes is predatory. Like he is undressing Jimmy with them and maybe devouring him too. All Jimmy can do is stand there and try not to think just how damned phallic that candy cane looks between those sweet slick lips.

“Hrmm I think all of it should go.” Gabriel raises his hand and his grin grows devilishly wide before he snaps his fingers. “but the tie can stay.”

Title: Hero
Pairing: Gabe/Sam
Word count: 217
A/N: for authoressnebula's stocking
Summary: Gabriel saves Sam from evil do'ers. (also my first ever CRACK!)

Tension hung in the air and Gabe chewed nervously at the babe ruth bar in his hand. He frowned as he watched Sam's face for any sign of discomfort.

"Ow." The moment the word left Sam's lips there was no way that Gabe was standing for this. Sam needed saving and he was going to be the one to save him.

Before The villain even knew what had hit them Gabe stepped in pressed a finger to their brow and threw Sam over his shoulder before whooshing him back to his boudoir and depositing him on the bed.

"Gabe what are you doing?" Sam stared at him in disbelief.

"what does it look like im doing?" Gabe smirks and puffs out his chest. "I am rescuing you Sammy."

Sam gets an incredulous look on his face as his eyebrows knit together and then he bursts out laughing. It was kind of sweet. Dean had barely even hurt him as he plucked the splinter of wood out of the fleshy part of his palm and Gabe had rescued him.

"uh okay. But whats with the Batman outfit?" Sam smirked. Gabriel lowered himself down on top of Sam and nipped softly at his bottom lip. "because i thought you might take offense to the whole me Tarzan you Jane."

Title: Casa Erotica
Pairing: Gabe/always a girl!Sam
Word count: 339
A/N: Pathsforme stocking
Summary: a Changing Channels Coda

After the herpes commercial and the bad sitcom where Dean was an idiot (so yeah not that different to real life.) Sam refused to let her guard down. Especially when she finds herself laying on a bed wearing a leopard print baby doll with matching g string and fluffy plastic stiletto mules.

There is a magazine open in front of her and her voice is playing in voice over style. Which is totally weird because i can hear what i am thinking and Okay not good. There is bad disco music playing and Sam is pretty sure this might be Casa Erotica.

"Room Service." An obviously fake Italian accent calls from behind the door and Sam moves to find something to cover herself with as the door opens and The trickster is standing there. a covered silver platter in his hand and an appalling fake mustache over his top lip.

"I've gotta Kielbasa you ordered."The trickster drolls in the bad accent as he waggles the mustache. Its kind of cute and I kind of really hate the thought voice over. The Trickster smiles and moves to the end of the bed.

Sam is more than aware of the role she is suppose to play here. She has seen the movie often enough in bad motel rooms that only get the porn channel. Only Sam isn't sure she can do this. Well I definitely couldn't if my sister was here. But she isn't and I kind of sort of have a crush on the trickster even if he is a dick.

That's around the point where She figures if she plays her role she can hurry up and get out of the room with the voice over. Plus she was kind of dying to know what kind of sausage the Trickster had.

"Its Hungarian" The word rolls of the Tricksters lips and Sam grins looking him up and down.

"Oh i bet it is." She purrs as he throws the tray over his shoulder and strides toward the bed.

character: jimmy, fanfic: candy cane, supernatural ate my soul, character: gabriel

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