30 Day Meme of Randomness Day 6

May 23, 2010 20:36

Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy

This is kind of good 6 days straight of posting everyday. Im so proud of myself. makes me grin all cheesy like. and also yaya whatever tickles my fancy and well i was thinking i could tell you about just what does tickle my fancy but that might be TMI. So instead of complaining about my boring complicated depressive self instead i am going to give you this. and since this is day 6 then you can have 6 random things. lol

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Tim Minchin is awesomely funny. This one is a love song and its one of my favourites.

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This some one linked me too and its sheer brilliance. I have always been a fan of H.P.Lovecraft and im not sure if its the song or the signer that is just total glee!

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Love these guys too.

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okay so maybe a little too much. lol okay and last but not least

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This was introduced to me by my nephew of all people and its animation and ZOMBEH'S lol

music i listen too, memes, zombies ate my braaiiinnns, youtube, cracks my shit up

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