(no subject)

Dec 11, 2007 05:37

Last week! *deflates* Then I can finally get around to the art for Meta-- but after nearly a solid month with my hands in cat guts, I'm not particularly feeling festive :(

Mum attacked my apartment while I was at lab last week--- set up a miniature tree and all (which the dog proceeded to eat--- not that I'm complaining... at least he didn't pee on it..). I think I'm getting dragged to mass on the 24th since I won't be spending the holiday with dad. Not really looking forward to it (not really the religious sort)... but I'll still go, and be nice about it, if only because my mum is downright scary at times.

Cutting update short.. I'm rambling and I still have a ton of information to go over for a final tomorrow. At least OOTP is being released today, so maybe I can watch it if I'm not too exhausted when I get home then.
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