(no subject)

Aug 26, 2007 16:56

I love my mum to bits... I really do. I just don't think moving 3 hours away was remotely far enough...

LONG night of drunken festivities, Wii, and other various things with the gaggle, get in around 3:00am or so. Watched infomercials until I sobered enough to get my contacts out without poking out an eye, and finally crashed on the couch around 5:00am or so (estimate based on the drool puddle I awoke in... sexy, eh?).

Everything was fine and dandy until I guess 9:00am when my mum decided to drop by (WHY at such an ungodly hour), and proceeded to haul me off the couch and nag me around the place at how much a sty it's become (I say I finally got the place cozy). She DID treat me to lunch however, so thanks for that... but I know Jack's bummed his make-shift doggy bed of my old laundry is no longer there.

Finally managed to shoo the woman away around 2:00 or so, but sadly haven't been able to get back to sleep due to the extreme hangover/dust-induced headache. Ugh.

So much for a relaxing last day of holiday.
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