Aug 06, 2009 14:44
My arduous journey through yet another set of schooling has begun. I got some lame classes to get out of the way this term: Com112 (communication is important... yay...) CA101 (Let's use microsoft office) PDC111 (how to be successful) and Hum180 (How to think critically).
The great news is, this is all online. I'd have not bothered attending these classes most of the time had they been classroom based. In fact, I tried at ICC with the microsoft office class and got fed up with them teaching how to save a file or make a folder.
On a brighter note, Champions Beta is looking good. Couple weeks till the preorder people have access then all kinds of craziness will start I'm hoping. Started playing Freedom Force: vs the 3rd Riech. Not as fun as I remember it being. I think the camera controls are what bother me. Oh and Mass Effect is full of goodness.