
Jun 03, 2005 16:10

The following rant was written by ALEJANDRO RUIZ whom i absolutely love. It's genius and I couldn't agree with it more.

All hail ale )

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Forward this to mr. ruiz anonymous June 5 2005, 04:34:01 UTC
I was gonna read the rant by Alejandro Ruiz but by reading this following statement i knew i didn't need to read it at all:

"No matter how much I love my country, it has to change."

Abercrombie's not your country you half-wit.

"...that would have been 10 times cheaper anywhere elsedoesn't mean they can get away with whatever they want."

Hey dumbass, if you didn't spend all your life buying abercrombie shirts they wouldn't "get away with whatever they want". They're a fucking business for God's sake if they got away with whatever they wanted we would ALL be wearing abrecrombie and nothing BUT abrecrombie. Nono if they did whatever they wanted we'd all be slaves you dumbfuck.

"brainless american supporters"

sounds like someone named Alejandro Ruiz
You know you have a point in your argument... All those people getting away with such horrible stuff ... As I am glancing over it I remember when I used to think like you do. But then I turned 7.

"Because in America is the only place where people like OJ can get away with murder just because they can afford tons of lawyers while poor people can't afford one, where people who don't use their heads can have sex and then kill the kid with or without a reason, where people who talk into microphones with computerized beats in the background and no talent can make more money than a guy who wakes up every morning, actually works, and tries to get ahead in life, where doctors have to refuse patients who are in severe pain and in critical condition because lawyers live off taking everything form doctors who just want to help, where drug dealers live better than factory workers, where people fear the police instead of supporting them, where you can go to war and die for your country at 18 but can't have a drink until your 21, where people will protest against a war when there are already troops on the ground instead of realizing it's too late to protest that we have to support our troops who didn't volunteer for the war, they volunteered to protect the freedom those people are using to demmoralize them and to spit on what they're doing, and where people let the media think for them instead of thinking for themselves."
"where doctors have to refuse patients who are in severe pain and in critical condition because lawyers live off taking everything form doctors who just want to help"

What the fuck are you talking about? Doctors are fucking sued because they do fucking stupid like leaving their tools in the body that's being operated. Not because they help poor people. If lawyers sued doctors who helped heal people in pain... haha you make me laugh.
"where you can go to war and die for your country at 18 but can't have a drink until your 21"

Well I've got many friends that are eighteen but none seem to be dying for the country. I dont know a SINGLE person over 21 who hasn't drunk alcohol. Yeah dumbass its not a draft.
"where people fear the police instead of supporting them,"

You're a pussy. I'm not scared of them. My family's not scared of them. I would be scared if I was dealing drugs but ofcourse you would have nothing to do with that Alejandro would you?
"and where people let the media think for them instead of thinking for themselves."

I think someone's been watching too many MTV "rock the vote" documentaries.
"where people will protest against a war when there are already troops on the ground instead of realizing it's too late to protest that we have to support our troops who didn't volunteer for the war, they volunteered to protect the freedom those people are using to demmoralize them and to spit on what they're doing,"

What the fuck are you talking about.
Learn some grammer before you row your boat from colombia. Or portugal. PLEASE


Re: Forward this to mr. ruiz cellulite_sally June 6 2005, 02:18:09 UTC
ale is not a pussy ur the one who posts as anonymous cuz ur too afraid to post ur name cuz ur afraid of how many people will hate u so u decide to hide behind the safety of ur fucking keyboard and anonymous post...atleast those who post w/o an lj write their names after the anonymous post. u my friend are missing the point. the point is not to rag on bush, but to point out how much is wrong w/ our country and to correct it cuz we are the future and if u would stop being to fucking pessimistic and nit-picky just criticizing what others have to say maybe ur ignorant, menstrual, close-minded ass could help those of us out who are trying to make a difference instead of bitch about how others feel.
o and i realized u didnt touch the abortion issue...i think the reason why u my friend are so negative is becaue uve come to the realization that u are a falied abortion and that u are nothing but a fun night in tijuana why dont u get some balls before u go bitching out my friend and bringing up such stupid and irrelevant points such as poor grammar and the fact that he is colombian...if u have a problem w/ colombians take it up w/ me and i will bash ur motherfucking head in so then u can have an excuse for talking shit cuz ull be talking out of ur ass...my girlfriend is colombian and u are no one to criticize anyone especially when u dont even have the dignity to post ur name


Re: Forward this to mr. ruiz anonymous June 6 2005, 02:56:37 UTC
okay i'm going to try to awnser your things in order:

I was gonna read the rant by Alejandro Ruiz but by reading this following statement i knew i didn't need to read it at all:

"No matter how much I love my country, it has to change."

Abercrombie's not your country you half-wit.

- That's why it's a rant...because i started with one thing and went to another one...those are different paragraphs, and you make different paragraphs when you want to separate distinct ideas...well that's what i learned in 2nd grade.
-i knew i didn't need to read it at all-..., then how'd you happen to know all the other stuff i wrote?


"brainless american supporters"

sounds like someone named Alejandro Ruiz

- i think you just proved yourself to be an idiot. not only did you completely pull that out of context, but its referring to abercrombie's brainless american supporters, which it's obvious that i'm not one of them.


-i'm sorry i forgot AIM had a grammar code i have to follow...
"where doctors have to refuse patients who are in severe pain and in critical condition because lawyers live off taking everything form doctors who just want to help"

What the fuck are you talking about? Doctors are fucking sued because they do fucking stupid like leaving their tools in the body that's being operated. Not because they help poor people. If lawyers sued doctors who helped heal people in pain... haha you make me laugh.

-you know what, i completely agree, the doctors who leave tools inside their patients SHOULD be sued, but if that was the only case then we wouldn't have much of a problem. why don't you go to any doctor and ask them how easy it is to get sued, don't you realize that doctors get sued for just about anything, even trying to help a patient by performing complicated high-risk operations, that's why medical malpractice insurance is so high (especially in florida) that doctors have to choose to practice without it, which means that the US is losing a lot of really good doctors because of how dangerous it is to get sued in the US. Doctor's who have sons getting ready to go to college tell their kids they can do whatever they want except a doctor, i would know because my dad's a doctor and he tells me that and so do all his friends. Being a doctor has changed from practicing medicine to practicing politics...and i don't think that's right.


Re: Forward this to mr. ruiz anonymous June 6 2005, 02:57:51 UTC

"where you can go to war and die for your country at 18 but can't have a drink until your 21"

Well I've got many friends that are eighteen but none seem to be dying for the country. I dont know a SINGLE person over 21 who hasn't drunk alcohol. Yeah dumbass its not a draft.

- i guess i'm not the only one with grammar problems. where you CAN means where you have THE ABILITY TO...it doesn't mean that you have to. But i'm sorry that's my fault, i worded that sentence for people who can think. What it's trying to say is "Where you can go to war at 18 but can't drink until your 21" which is kind of hard to argue, because it's true. What age are you allowed to join the army in? 18. What age can you legally drink? 21. WOW WE'RE LEARNING!

"where people fear the police instead of supporting them,"

You're a pussy. I'm not scared of them. My family's not scared of them. I would be scared if I was dealing drugs but ofcourse you would have nothing to do with that Alejandro would you?

-please...call me Ale, and no i don't deal drugs, and i'm not afraid of the police. The problem is, it's the message being sent out by the media, in particular this little thing called "rap music." Everyone tries to be a badass and be cool by stealing stuff...admit it, you slow down when you see a cop on the side of the road.
And who are you calling a pussy, you didn't even leave a name or a s/n on ur comment.

"and where people let the media think for them instead of thinking for themselves."

I think someone's been watching too many MTV "rock the vote" documentaries.

- no, i don't watch any mtv, i don't even watch tv for that matter, but since you don't have an intelligent comment for that one i guess that awnser will suffice.
"where people will protest against a war when there are already troops on the ground instead of realizing it's too late to protest that we have to support our troops who didn't volunteer for the war, they volunteered to protect the freedom those people are using to demmoralize them and to spit on what they're doing,"

What the fuck are you talking about.
Learn some grammer before you row your boat from colombia. Or portugal. PLEASE

- again, if you want me to respond give me an intelligent argument instead of telling me to go back to countries i didn't even come from.
Me rowing has nothing to do with anything so if you don't have anything relevant to say don't try to throw a low blow because it doesn't do anything other then show your ignorance.

(speaking of grammar,"What the fuck are you talking about." needs a question mark...)


Re: Forward this to mr. ruiz anonymous June 7 2005, 04:46:09 UTC
-hey idiot, you have no argument. the only argument you have against ale is that he has bad grammar, but tell me, who cares about grammar, obviously you don't, you dont use it either.
"where doctors have to refuse patients who are in severe pain and in critical condition because lawyers live off taking everything form doctors who just want to help"

What the fuck are you talking about? Doctors are fucking sued because they do fucking stupid like leaving their tools in the body that's being operated. Not because they help poor people. If lawyers sued doctors who helped heal people in pain... haha you make me laugh.

-are you fucking retarded? when a guy runs into a hospital with stab wounds and the chances of him/her surviving are close to none, unless the doctor is absolutely perfect, he/her can't save that person. lawyers turn around and sue the doctor who couldn't save that person. so, doctors of course are refusing patients, they don't want to lose everything they've worked for. that i believe, is the kind of thing that ale is referring to.
"where people will protest against a war when there are already troops on the ground instead of realizing it's too late to protest that we have to support our troops who didn't volunteer for the war, they volunteered to protect the freedom those people are using to demmoralize them and to spit on what they're doing,"

What the fuck are you talking about.

-nice argument buddy. i don't think your smart enough to comprehend anything he's saying. he's referring to the fact that there are troops already fighting, and that protesting isn't going to do us any good. instead, we should be supporting our troops who are fighting for our freedom.
"No matter how much I love my country, it has to change."

Abercrombie's not your country you half-wit.

-dude, when did he say that abercombrie is his country. damn dude go to one of those like reading comprehension centers.
"...that would have been 10 times cheaper anywhere elsedoesn't mean they can get away with whatever they want."

Hey dumbass, if you didn't spend all your life buying abercrombie shirts they wouldn't "get away with whatever they want". They're a fucking business for God's sake if they got away with whatever they wanted we would ALL be wearing abrecrombie and nothing BUT abrecrombie. Nono if they did whatever they wanted we'd all be slaves you dumbfuck.

-Hey dumbass, if you didn't spend all your life buying abercrombie shirts ... WOW YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT. i don't think he has bought any abercombrie shirts you retard, he's arguing a point against them. you're just showing yourself to be a complete moron.
"brainless american supporters"

sounds like someone named Alejandro Ruiz

if he was brainless, how would he be arguing about this. once again you're proving yourself to be an idiot.
You know you have a point in your argument... All those people getting away with such horrible stuff ... As I am glancing over it I remember when I used to think like you do. But then I turned 7.

-it sounds like you have yet to turn seven.

-who the fuck cares that it's one sentence, the point of it isn't to be many sentences you idiot.


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