I've determined I don't get a chance to use the term Blathering Idiot enough. Actually, I may simply be neglecting the term. I'm quite sure that I have the chance to use it, given my normal behavior. Anyway, on to the "important" stuff. Rather, to use
lord_thingie's term: enterfunning.
The first day of senior year. I'm very happy its going to be over. Most of my friends seem to be reluctant to leave. They want to celebrate the last of their childhood, etc. >.< Blah. I'm ready to move on to college. My course schedule (not that anyone cares) is as follows:
A Period: Mythology
It looks to be a very cool course, but I'm undecided about the teacher. She's new and it shows. She has the air of a kindergarten teacher and read us her "reading and writing history". There was way too much flowery prose; it took about fifteen minutes. On the good side, I got a chance to get a crap-load of inking done. My very first Shaman King fanart. I'm surprised by how much I like it; the manga style fits very well with my natural one. I think this class will give me many more arting and inking opportunities.
B Period: Gym
What can I say: gym is gym. I like our current curriculum (life sports!) much better than the old one, but it's still gym. The only girl I really know is Perryne, and there are a handful of girls that I have a positive acquaintance with. They've added rollerblading to the choices, and its only a matter of convincing the others to join me...We can all break bones (and get out of gym for the semester) together!
C Period: Statistics
Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to this class. The teacher is happy and kindergartenish, but she at least appears to have a firm grasp on her subject. I'm not too worried. The course involves computer testing as well! It also includes little homework and gives me time to draw in class.
D Period: German 2 Honors
Of all my courses, I'm most wary of this one. I'm the only senior in my class and the classroom itself is under construction. Our temporary room is sweltering and under construction as well. I hope it all works out. My classmates, at least, appear to be friendlier than the previous lot. The teacher is fine. The thing that really irks me is that we are graded not on a point basis, but on our average performance. I have no way of tracking my average. It also requires a steady stream of participation on my part...which means that I'll be docked points for drawing. *GROWL*
Overall, I'm really missing the previous seniors. I did not realize how many of them I associated with. I'm somewhere in between 'WAAAAAAAH! Make them come back!' and 'WAAAAAAH! Why didn't you take me with you?"
And the truly important part: Sean! This is the list!
I can't thank you enough. Download them whenever you get the chance (no rush). In return I may just buy you an external CD-RW.
I'm done being greedy now. Really I am...