Nov 29, 2005 13:53
it has been like 454875467876478 years since my last entry, so i think that i am going to post. nothing explaining they complete complexity of my life since then, but a few words to keep you caught up.
i got my job at acs, and have been there since the 14. i love it so far, it is great. i get to see patti, almost on a daily basis, so that is good. as opposed to rarely seeing eachother. she is still getting married, which is wonderful, and i found the most wonderful song to sing. valentine. so... go me.
jonathan and i are doing wonderfully. we have our fights, but then again if we didn't, it would almost seem fake. i love him more than life, and more than i could ever have hoped to love a person. i thank God for every moment that he have spent, and will spend together.
my mother thinks that i am neglecting my family for jonathan. which is not the case at all. if i were doing that, then i would have already left home to live with him. i want my family to be a part of my wedding, and a part of my life after, so i am staying to build a better relationship, so that when i have left, all will be well.
but that is no matter... i am tired, and must leave you all for the time being. if i go into another disappearance, feel free to call me.
much love to all,