lalala this is funnn haha

Jan 03, 2006 16:16

Time started: 3:46

First name:CASEY!!

Single or Taken: singleeeeeeee.. haha

Sex: femaleeee

Birthday: september 17thhhh

Siblings: a sissterrrr

Hair color: darkk brownn

height: 5'5

Innie or Outie: innieee

What are you wearing right now: camo pants and jessies grey sweatshirttt...

Righty or lefty: leftttty

Can you make a dollar in change right now: yeaaa if i wanted to get up.


Who are your closest friends: jessie kathleen carley..

Do you have a BF or GF: no thankss..

Best place to go for a date: idk it doesnt really matter as long as your together


Favorite place to shop: abercrombie, hollister...

Favorite kind of pants: sweatpantssssss

Favorite color: pinkk and red

Number(s).. 13.. and 3

Animal: kittenssssss

Drink: coke..

Sport: foooooootball, until yesterday when i had to watch it all day and NIGHT lol

Fast-Food Place? i LOVE fastfoood haha

Month: during the summer and christmas

Movie: the notebooooooook

Juice: sparkling grape juice haha

Finger: what?

Breakfast: a bacon egg and cheesee sandwich from cash's...

Favorite cartoon character(s): hmmmm

Have you ever

Given anyone a bath: no

Smoked: yea

Bungee: yea

Made yourself throw-up: yea.. blahh bc if i didnt i prolly would have died..

Gone skinny dipping: yea

Eaten a hot dog: ew.. yea

Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no

Loved someone so much it made you cry? not bc I loved them i cried lol..

Broken a bone: nopeeeee

Played truth or dare: yeaaa

Been in a police car: hmm yes.

Been on a plane: noppeeee

Been in a sauna: nopee

Been in a hot tub: yeaaa

Swam in the ocean: yeaaa

Fallen asleep in school: not ofteeen

Ran away?: nooo

Broken someone's heart: right now? i tihnk i am.

Cried when someone died: well yea

Cried in school: yeaa

Fallen off your chair: yessss

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: haha yea just once but there is a story behind it.

Saved e-mails: i just dont delete em'

Fallen for one of your best friends? yea and then dated for almost 2 years.

Made out with JUST a friend?: yea lol

Used someone: hmm..

Been cheated on?: no

What is...

Your good luck charm:

Best song you ever heard: BLACK DAHLIA haha yeaaaaa.. and HERE WE GOOOOOOO HERE WE GO AGAINNNN..

Stupidest thing you have ever done: toooo muchhhh

What's your room like?: cleannn

Last thing you said: iddk i woke up and everyone in my house was gone, so im sure i said bye to one of em' lol

What is beside you: my PHONE that just fell in water and uh yea now it wont WORK:(...

Last thing you ate: jambalya

What kind of shampoo do you use?: brunetteeeeeeee

Best thing that has happened to you this year: jessie and kathleen.

Worst thing that has happened to you this year:
well its only bn like? uhhh 3 days sooo nothin yet. lol.

Have you had..
Chicken pox: no

Sore Throat:

Stitches: yea

Broken nose: no

Do You

Believe in love at first sight: im sure..

Like picnics: i guess.


Would you/what is

Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollar:  hell no..

If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you?: jessieee kathleennnn andyy aaron and my mom and sister.

Who was the last person that called you: aaron

Who was the last person you slow danced with? jessieee i tihnk? haha

What makes you laugh the most? andy..

What makes you smile?: my friends.. and seeing them drunk lol

Who is the last person

You yelled at : jordan

Who broke your heart: nobody.

Who told you they loved you: kathleeeeen

Who is your loudest friend?: jessssssssssie but i love her.

Do you/Are You:

Do you like filling these out? when I have NOTHING to do, like right now.

Do you like yourself: yessssss

Do you get along with your family: yea.

Obsessive?: nopeeee

Anorexic?: noooooooo

Suicidal?: nooo

Love Life

Do you have a crush? yeaaaaaaaaa

If so, do they know? idkkkkk

Have you truly told them how you feel, face to face? nopppeeeee

How did they respond?: idkkkkk

What is so great about them? he makes me forget about aaron?.. i guess thats good.

Are you in love? noooooo


Phone or in person: PERSON...

Are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child: youngesssst

Indoor or outdoor: dependssss..

Final questions

How many people are you sending this to:
whoever reads it....

What are you listening to right now?: nothinggg...

What did you do yesterday: woke up.. sat around all day, went to old navy, got ready, went to andys, went and got jessiee, then came homeee and had pppl over, haha  then brought michael home, then went and saw aaron. wooooo!!!

Where do you want to get married?
on a beaaaaaaaaaach..

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? not worry about "him" so much.. and try and think about myself more.

Are you a good driver? ive bn in 4 wrecks, only ONE was my fault tho.

Are you a good Singer: yessssssss

What do you dream about: alot of thingss...

End Time: 4:07
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