(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 21:20

001. What is your name? caseeeey lynnnnn morannnnnnn
002. Spell your name backwards: yesac!!
003. Date of birth: 9/17/86
004. Male or female? female
005. Astrological sign: hmmm..
006. Nicknames: case..freckles..little one.. darlin
007. Occupation? student.. and workinnngg @ the best job EVER
008. Height: 5'5
010. Hair color: darkkkk brown.
011. Eye color: blue and greeen
012. Where were you born? baton rougee louisiana!!!
013. Where do you reside now? same damn place..
014. Age: 19.. shit i think last time i did a survey I was 15 lol
015. Screen names: caybay06
016. E-mail address: caseylynn71503@yahoo.com
017. What does your screen name stand for? uh sarah ponteriour made it for me freshman year.. idk lol
018. What is your xanga name? dont have one.
019. What does your xanga name stand for?
020. Pets: 3 dogs.. and a kitten
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? 19
022. Piercings? ears...i had my belly button but it didnt work out lol.
023. Tattoos? noppee.. i'll pass.
024. Shoe size: like 5 1/2
025. Righty or lefty? im left handed.
026. Wearing: brusly baseball shorts and a t shirt
027. Hearing: watching bruce almighty.. funny funny movie.
028. Feeling: its senior year.. im pretty damn excited.
029. Eating/drinking: baked potatoe steak and baked beans.. and a coke.

~Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~
030. Have you ever been in love? yes
031. How many people have you told "I love you"? well i tell my friends... but ONE person has gotten the i love you where im inlove with u lol
032. How many people have you been in love with? one.
033. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? umm no
034. Do you have any nieces or nephews? not yet...
035. Are your parents divorced? nopeee
036. Do you have step parents? noppeee
037. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? uhh not that I know of lol
038. If so for what? ^
039. Did some of your family come to America from another country? uhh idk

~Music Stuff~
040. What song do you swear was written about you or your life? all those sappy love songs.. about being hurt and shit
041. What's the most embarrasing cd you own? hmm none i guess.
042. What's the best cd you own? fall out boy..
043. What song do you absolutely hate? hmm.. i dont know really.
044. Do you sing in the shower? sometimes.. when i just get done listenin to a song or wut not.
045. What song reminds you of that special someone? look at what I've done to her... best song EVER

~Okay, I Name An Artist And You Give Any One Of Their Songs!~
046. Pink: im not sure
047. Aerosmith: I dont wana close my eyeeeeeeees.
048. Madonna: i kno some of her songs...no name tho
049. Korn: ?
050. Backstreet Boys: backstreeets back ALRIGHT haha
051. The Beatles: ?
052. Sublime: wronnnng way
053. J.Lo: get right
054. Nsync: no strings attached...
055. Limp Bizkit: i did it all for the nookie... haha
056. Britney Spears: luccccccccccky
057. Creed: aww good song but i cant rem. the name of it.
058. Enrique Iglesias: lol cant rem. the names of his song either...
059. Good Charlotte:.....
060. Christina Aguilera: ima geenie in a bottle babyyyyy
061. Eminem: the real slim shadddyyy
062. New Found Glory: goood songs..
063. Kelly Clarkston: BECAUSE OF YOU
064. Kelly Osbourne:i dunno
065. Mandy Moore: a song from a walk to remember?
066. Eve:dunno
067. Aaliyah:dunno
068. Nelly: HOT IN HERE...
069. Alicia Keys: umm shit i remember brian kendrick is oppsessed w/ her and he always listened to this song uhh shit.. hmmm
070. Incubus:i dunno

071. Color: pinkkkkk and red
072. Food: chicken fried steak from cracker barrel
074. Show: i LIVE for LAGUNA BEACH.
075. school subject: lunch time.
076. Band/singer: falllllllll out boy.
077. Animal: puppies.
078. Outfit: my holllyyyy jeanssss
079. Radio station: country.. 104.9 and 102.5
080. Movie: THE NOTEBOOK
081. Pair of shoes: aww i miss my crocks, but i LOVE flip flopsss.
082. Cartoon: umm..
083. Actor: MATTHEW MACANAHAY? haha cant spell his last name.
084. Actress: rachel McAdammss..
085. Potato chip: dill pickel chippppppps
086. Drink: cokeee.. or anything w/ alcohol lol
087. Alcholic drink: long island ice tea.. hmm lol
088. Holiday: chirstmas.. and easter!
089. Perfume/cologne: hollister, autumn..
090. Pizza topping: just chesse
091. Jello flavor: hmmm idk
092. Lunch meat: ham?
093. Board game: mall madnesssssssssss
094. Video game: the old nintendo, mario brothers lol
095. Website: livejournal
096. Book: i hate to read.
097. Computer game:.. umm none
098. Number: 3 anddd 13
099. Cereal: hmm, idk really. ive never been a fan of cereal.
100. Comedian: dave chappppppel
101. Dessert: i loveeeeee chocolate pieeee
102. Disney character: mickey mouse of courrrrrrrrse
103. Clothing store: abercrombie, hollister...
104. Pastime: hmm probably being with aaron.
105. Teacher: COACH COREYMISTRETTA.. i love that man.
106. Childhood toy: my rugsby.
107. Carnival game/ride: hmm... idk
108. Candy bar: a LOVE reeses break
109. Magazine: cosmo
110. Salad dressing: honnnney mustard.. hmm yumm
111. Thing to do on the weekend: drink and go out... w/ the most imp. ppl in my life, my friends.
112. Hot drink: coffeee...
113. Season: i love the cold, but if only we could wear swearpants to school it be great
114. Sport to watch: foooooooootball.
115. Person to talk to online: hmm ashley LOWE bc i love her, and she loves me. haha and aaron bc i dont see him much.

~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits~
116. What color are your sheets? blue
117. What color are your bedroom walls?blue
117. Do you have posters on your wall?some..
118. If so of what? hott abercrombie guyss haha
119. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? yeeeeeeees
120. How many pillows are on your bed? 4
121. What do you normally sleep in? umm sleepingg pants and a tshirt... and SOCKS
122. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: these camo pants and this belaire baseball tshirt
123. What size bed do you have? big comfffyy one
124. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? a regular bed.. waterbeds hurt my back.. thnks jordan lol
125. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? nope, ask ashley we dont have a house phone haha
126. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? haha everyone hates to sleep with me bc i HAVE to watch tv and i HAVE to have a fan.
127. Describe the last nightmare you had: that aaron was killed in a car wreck.
128. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yea, this john deere bear...
129. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? 2
130. Do you sleep in any unusual positions?not really...i dont move at all.
131. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? nope, my sister is never around.
132. Do you snore? not that I know of.
133. How about drool? lol no
134. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? yepp...
135. What color is the carpet in your room? off white.
136. What's under your bed? old memories, and some suit cases.

~This or that~
137. beach/mountains: beeeeeeeeach, i LOVE the beach.
139. Day/night: night... im a BIG night person.
140. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: umm who cares?
141. Heaven/hell:heaven of course..
142. Make love/have sex:? makeeeee love.
143. Coffee/tea: mochoosippis are the shiiiiiiiiiit
144. Britney/Christina: britney
145. Swiss cheese/american cheese: uhhh either
146. Real World/Road Rules: REAL WORLD, ahh danny and melinda are engageeeed
147. Backstreet Boys/Nsync: backstreeeet boys
148. Silver/gold: silveeeeeeeer
149. Nike/Adidas: i hate tennis shoooooooooes
150. McDonalds/Taco Bell: umm idk really....
151. Sweet/sour: booooooth
152. Punk/emo: umm, emo is sadd right? lol
153. Hot/cold: i like to feel juuuuust right.
154. Winter/summer: summer = no school... winter = cold weather.. i like em both.
155. Spring/fall: spring, closer to summer lol
156. Operas/plays: neither, get to bored
157. Read/watch tv: i hate to reaaaaaaaad, i love TV
158. Cd's/tapes: cd'ssss
159. Dvd's/vhs: dvd's
160. Old/new: hmmm old memories are good...
161. Shorts/skirts: skirtssss
162. Pink/red:PINK
163. Colored/black and white photos: both
164. Meat/vegetables: bothhhh
165. Mexican food/chinese food: chineeeeeeeeeeeeese
166. Commercials/infomercials: none, im very impatient person.
167. Scary movies/comedies: both.. and sweeeet love ones! but i love scary movies!
168. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: bikins are ok.
169. Sandals/tennis shoes: flip floooooooooows
170. Dogs/cats: i have them both.
171. Unicorns/fairies: fairieeeeeeeees
172. Water/land: hmm both.
173. Sugar/spice: and everything nice!!!
174. Black/white: i dont care
175. ribbons/bows: doesnt matter
176. Chicken/beef: chicken
177. Colored/white christmas lights: colored
178. Cars/trucks: BIG TRUCKS... hmm nice.
179. Austin Powers/James Bond: austin powers
180. Popcorn/pretzels: popcorn
181. Hip/hop: hip hop hip hoppinotumus. haha sorry i watched big daddy today.
182. Passionate kiss/peck: passionate
183. WWE wrestling/real wrestling: uhh neither
184. Back rub/foot massage: back rub
185. Picture frames/photo albums: photo albumssss
186. Pens/pencils: both

~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~
187. Eminem: he is hottt
188. Virgins: more power to ya...
189. God: he loves us no matter what
190. The Osbournes: weirdos lol
191. Reality TV: depends
192. J.Lo: james loves her.
193. Religion: catholic
194. Emo music: i'll passss
195. Valentine's Day: overrated
196. Christina Aguilera's comeback: wierd
197. Homosexuals: hmmm
198. Abortion: very sad
199. Inter-racial relationships: its whatever...
200. Murder: stupid.. some ppl need help
201. Death: hard...
202. Obesity: uhh they shouldnt eat as much?
203. Pre-marital sex: it happens.. alot.
204. Terrorism: i hate osoma!!!
205. Pornography: funnnnnny
206. Fortune tellers: dont work
207. Threesomes: i'd rather NOT.
208. Prostitution: not good....
209. Politics: uhh to younge to care I guess...
210. Country music: love it...
211. George W. Bush: is the maaaaaaan
212. Cloning: can it happen?
213. Britney's boobs: i dont think about them
214. Gas prices in America: pretttttttttttty rediculous...

~Name Game~
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Names?.

215. Jack: guy in my retreat group.. also my granddaddy
216. Tiffany: ummm
217. Ben: boy where I work at
218. Maria: girl i usta ride to school with at st. louis.
219. Jennifer: my best friend since 7th grade, i love her to death
220. Nicole: appleton? haha
221. Amy: my cousin.
222. Adam: i have to friends named jonathan, and they both are best friends with an adam. crazy huh?
223. Richard: hmm mr. rick? blah
224. Justin: other cousin.
225. Arnold: shwartsanigarar...lol however u spell it
226. Tom: cruise is soooooo hot
227. Melissa: umm..
228. Charlotte: 's webbbb haha
229. Harold: uhhh
230. John: michaels brother
231. Joel: some guy i met aalongg time ago.
232. Vanessa: hmm...
233. Michelle: braaaaanch
234. Kevin: lauren gilliams boyfriend
235. Brent: porche and campbell..
236. Jake: got kicked out of RHS and now he is back lol
237. Billy: from that move hocus pocus...
238. Sarah: ive had my share of sarahs lol.. sarah juneau my bF since kindergarden.. uhh sara arceneaux i hate her, sarah brians ex girlfriend, hmm many more
239. Natalie: jfeigss ex girlfriend, also a lil girl I usta babysit.
240. Christi: carleys friend
241. Nick: sweeeeeeezy, and jynns ex
242. Linda: uggg
243. Taylor: ahhh haha, ashley knows who im tlking about.
244. Jordan: o lord, haha dont even get me started
245. Aaron: haha what a cowinky dink.. haha the first boy i loved..
246. Adrian: carrier.

~Have You Ever....~
247. Mooned anyone? haha yea
248. Been on a diet? no i should try tho.
249. Been to a foreign country? no
250. Broken a bone? nopppee
251. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? no
252. Swear at a teacher? uhh not that i know of
253. Talked to a xanga member via e-mails or instant messages? um nope
254. Got in a fight? fist? nope.. ugly words? of course
255. Dated a teacher? uh weird?
256. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? no, thats pretty sick.
257. Thought about killing your enemy? haha
258. Gone skinny dipping? nope, never actually.
259. Met another xanga member in the flesh? nope..
260. Told a little white lie? of course..
261. Told a secret you swore not to tell? yea.
262. Stolen anything? uhh, haha lets not talk about stealing please?
263. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? lol yea fuck right? aaron wont let that go.
264. Been on TV? yea.
265. Been on the radio? yeeeeeees
266. Been in a mosh pit? nope lol
267. Been to a concert? nope
268. Dated one of your best friends? yep I sure did.. lol
269. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? yea...
270. Decieved somebody close to you? yea
271. Broken the law? lol nextttttttt question
272. Been to a rodeo? no thanks.
273. Been on a talk show? nope
274. Been on a game show? nope
275. Been on an airplane? noppe
276. Got to ride on a firetruck? i wish.. that would be pretty coool.
277. Came close to dying? almost drowned when i was little.
278. Cheated on a bf/gf? umm damnit lol i guess, kindof.
279. Gave someone a piggy back ride? yea.
280. Terrorized a babysitter? i never had one...
281. Made a mud pie? yea
282. Had a dream that our falling off a cliff? yes
283. Snuck out of the house at night? yea.. haha
284. Been so drunk you don't remember your name? this past weekend lol...
285. Had an eating disorder? yea I eat waaaaaaay to much.
286. Felt like you didn't belong? yea..
287. Felt like the 3rd wheel? hmm.. i guess that sucks, but never felt that way.

288. Smoked? yea, i need quit tho.
289. Done drugs? unfortunatly.
290. Been arrested? lol.. i knew it was coming.
291. Had your tonsils removed? nope
292. Gone to camp? yep, last week actually, for senior retreat.
293. Won a bet? yea
294. Written a love letter? yea
295. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? yea I guess.
296. Written a love poem? when I am upset I like to write.
297. Kissed in the rain? yes.. awww wow I just got really sad. lol
298. Slow danced with someone you love? yea, haha me and jonathan danced friday night, it was very romanticle. haha
299. Participated in cyber sex? uhh no thanks.
300. Faked an orgasm? lol the last person that did this survey put whats that? to this question.
301. Stolen a kiss? umm..
302. Asked a friend for relationship advice? yea.. even my EX boyfriend lol
303. Had a friend steal your bf/gf? hmm.. we werent exactly friends.
304. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love? yea.
305. Gotten a speeding ticket? lol have I...
306. Done jail time? no
307. Had to wear a uniform to work? yea.. i love my job now, pj pants and a STAFF shirt...
308. Won a trophy? yes
309. Thrown up in public? yea.
310. Bowled a perfect game? ummm no.
311. Failed/got held back? yea, best thing that happened to me.. haha NOT
312. Got perfect attendance in grade school? I wish..
313. Roasted pumpkin seeds? no.. sick.
314. Taken ballet lessons? i danced for 15 years
315. Attempted suicide? no.. not a joke.
316. Cut yourself? I could never.. im such a scardy cat.

~Childhood Stuff~
317. Did you play with Barbies? yea
318. Did you own Treasure Trolls? yes.. lol
319. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210? I lovvvvvved that show.
320. Did you play Simon? yes.
321. Did you watch Fraggle Rock? huh
322. Did you wet the bed? I actually never did.. thats what my mom told me.
323. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed? I still do lol...
324. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them? yesss haha
325. Were you shy? hellllllll no
326. Were you spoiled? kinda
327. Were you abused? no
328. Did you go to the circus? yes!
329. Did you go to the zoo? hell yea!
330. Were you in a car accident? nope, not till I started driving.
331. Did you build snowmen? nope.
332. Did you cry when you scraped your knee? yes
333. Were your older cousins mean to you? nope, they are awesome!
334. Did you think slinkies were cool? yes
335. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer? hmm.. idk.
336. Were you afraid of the dark? yes..still am.
337. Did you have slumber parties? yepp
338. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, curtains, sleeping bags, dolls and pajamas? umm nope.
339. Did you tease your hair out? no, i was very weird about my hair.
340. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy? YEAH!

341. Do you believe in aliens? nahhh..
342. Name three things that are next to your computer: my cellphone.. a candel and my coke.
343. Do you have any hidden talents? i can push my backbones out...
344. Do you wish MTV would play more music videos? nah
345. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be? scaryyyyyy
346. What would your movie star name be? i dunno
347. Do you play any sports? usta play soccer vball basketball and softabll also danced. I do nothing now.
348. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? umm thats hard.
349. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? HARRY POTTERRR, also SAW 2!
350. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen? umm.. idk
351. Do you drive? yess..
352. What is your dream car? a cryslar.
353. Do you think your good looking? hmmm..
354. Do others think you are good looking? i've bn told.
355. Would you ever sky dive? sure...
356. Do you believe in Bigfoot? nope
357. How many rooms do you have in your house? 8
358. Are you afraid of roller coasters? nope..love emm'
359. Do you believe in God? yepp
360. Do you believe in Satan? of courssssssssse.
361. Do you believe there is a heaven? yes
362. Do you believe there is a hell? i dunno
363. Do you own a pooltable? I really want one so bad.
364. Do you have a pool? no.
365. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen? yes
366. Do you like chocolate? it depends...
367. Who/what is on your calendar? what calander?
368. How many U.S. states have you been to? 7
369. Ever wished on a shooting star? yes
370. Best Halloween costume you ever wore? ... hmm i cant remember.
371. Do you carry any weapons on you? uhh no?
372. What is your weakness? aaron robert turner jones... lol I cant help it..
373. Name something you can't get enough of: laguna beaaaaaaaaach
374. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: hmmm
375. How many kids do you want to have? 5
376. Future daughters names: makayla lynn...
377. Future sons names: chevyyy michael
378. What is your ideal way to die? in my sleep
379. How do you release stress? writing in my live journal.. or tlkin to my friends.
380. Are you a trendy person? huh?
381. Are you an artisitic person? not really
382. Are you a realistic person? sure
383. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? no
384. Are you a strong person Physically: not really .. im very lazy.
385. Are you a strong willed person? huh
386. Who is the last person to e-mail you? jordan.. bc he loves me lol.
387. Who is the last person to IM you? aaron..
388. Do you hate chain e-mails? i guess.. i dont get em'
389. Are you a deep sleeper? it depends on how drunk I am b4 I fall asleep.
390. Are you a good story teller? lol.. umm I cant get into books like some ppl can
391. What do you believe is your best quality? being happy all the time.
392. What is your greatest accomplishment? still making it in school
393. Do you like to burn candles or incense? candals...
394. Do you do yoga? no
395. Do you have your own credit card? haha.. I dont EVER need my own credit card.
396. Let's say you win the lotto: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
397. Do you have a check book? nope..
398. Do you like your driver? umm myself? sure do.
399. Do you tan easily? thnks to stephanie lea cantu. lol
400. What color is your hair naturally? same color it is now.
401. How many fillings do you have? NONE!
402. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit? NONE!
403. Worst feeling in the world? being hated by someone you love.
404. Best feeling in the world? to have amazing friends that mean the world to you... ashley lowe tops that haha.
405. Is the glass half empty or half full? umm...not sure
406. Last thing you downloaded? a song...
407. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life? haha yes.
408. What do you think people think of you? idk.. im a bitch, because I can be lol. im very sarcastic too...
409. Are you a likeable person? yeeees.
410. Do you need therapy? lol im going through it right now but not bc im dep.. lol
411. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance? nope
412. What the best way to be proposed to? ummm... idk
413. What kind of movie would you star in? this has bn asked alreadyyyy....
414. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP? sure...
415. When are you moving? as sooooooooon as I can.
416. What's your favorite phrase? hmm..
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