1. Carter Tata 2. We meet at school 3. You're middle name is Elizabeth (just like mine) 4. ive known you for almost two years 5. We last saw each other today during 8th bell 6. nope, you dont smoke 7. yes, you belive in God 8. When i first saw you i thought that you seemed really cool, that we could be friends, even though it didnt turn out that way until this year. 9. you're 13 10. September 11, 1990 11. you have brown hair 12. you have brown eyes 13. yes, you have three siblings. Two sisters and a brother 14. you grew up right here in Va Beach 15. Yes, i have been jelous of you a lot 16. SOCCER! 17. Indoors, i think you like to draw and stuff.... 18. I don't remember exact word you said to me but i know we werent on the best of terms 19. you're favorite type of music is....BRITNEY SPEARS KIND!! 20. The best characteristic about you is...wow, thats hard. I cant pick the best but one of the ones i really love is that you are really honest. I can totally belive everything you tell me because i know you wouldnt lie. And on the other hand i can be totally honest with becasue i know you wont tell anyone if i dont want you too. 21. I think that you can be shy at first but once you get to know people you are really outgoing 22. BOTH!!! I love your sense of humor!! 23. REBAL BABY!! (and im such a rebal im not even going to spell it right) 24. CARTER TATA!! YOU ARE ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!! 25. Well, i would say that you are very sporty but not kalena sporty becasue i definatly know you're a girl. 26. yes, i have seen you cry and i was happy i was there to comfort you 27. PO ( thats soo cute) 28. hahaha yeah! I'd tell you!! Id have soo much fun telling you!! hehehe! PLus i wouldnt want you to walk around like that even though itd be really funny! 29. When i think of you and me i think of us lying on Katies bed telling eacvh other everything. Its when we first really becasme friends ya know?
This is from Caroline!!!!!!
1. Carter Tata
2. We meet at school
3. You're middle name is Elizabeth (just like mine)
4. ive known you for almost two years
5. We last saw each other today during 8th bell
6. nope, you dont smoke
7. yes, you belive in God
8. When i first saw you i thought that you seemed really cool, that we could be friends, even though it didnt turn out that way until this year.
9. you're 13
10. September 11, 1990
11. you have brown hair
12. you have brown eyes
13. yes, you have three siblings. Two sisters and a brother
14. you grew up right here in Va Beach
15. Yes, i have been jelous of you a lot
17. Indoors, i think you like to draw and stuff....
18. I don't remember exact word you said to me but i know we werent on the best of terms
19. you're favorite type of music is....BRITNEY SPEARS KIND!!
20. The best characteristic about you is...wow, thats hard. I cant pick the best but one of the ones i really love is that you are really honest. I can totally belive everything you tell me because i know you wouldnt lie. And on the other hand i can be totally honest with becasue i know you wont tell anyone if i dont want you too.
21. I think that you can be shy at first but once you get to know people you are really outgoing
22. BOTH!!! I love your sense of humor!!
23. REBAL BABY!! (and im such a rebal im not even going to spell it right)
25. Well, i would say that you are very sporty but not kalena sporty becasue i definatly know you're a girl.
26. yes, i have seen you cry and i was happy i was there to comfort you
27. PO ( thats soo cute)
28. hahaha yeah! I'd tell you!! Id have soo much fun telling you!! hehehe! PLus i wouldnt want you to walk around like that even though itd be really funny!
29. When i think of you and me i think of us lying on Katies bed telling eacvh other everything. Its when we first really becasme friends ya know?
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