I am having an intense desire to be in San Francisco RIGHT NAOOO.
I want to go to the Civic Center organic market. I want to visit that house on 19th street. I want to get to Chinatown and buy some fricken ninja shoes. I want to visit Ghirardelli Square. I friggen want to get to Treasure Island for no good reason and go back to the city in a span of 30 minutes. I want to walk along Howard street and look for Yas' office building. Heck I even want to get bothered by street bums with nothing better to do.
For now, I just have to manage with photos. I'm on this tumblr site a lot called SFHAPS that has everything San Francisco, most especially artists who are coming through. It still burns me when I think about how badly I want to be there and can't just up and leave. I wouldn't, either. Not unless I had good enough reason (as if my sadness wasnt reason enough) because I know I can't do that. I can't live like that, or LEAVE like that anymore. This being grown up and responsible... so hard. Lol. (That's the first time I've EVER used LOL by the way. I think it says "ulol" kasi. Sidenote.)
Anyhow. This is how I know I love it that much. I miss California in general but never like this. I lived in SD and the OC for a long time as well and it never burnt as it does now.
I'mma be there. Trust.
For now, I am in quiet, calm Manila (which is only because of Holy Week) basking in family time. The kind I rarely ever ever get. So I take what I can today.
But trust me. I'm dying inside.