☼ 01

Jan 16, 2011 20:53

[1645 Albright; phone]

Um, police? I...think someone kidnapped me. I was in Paradise Falls, but now I'm in this weird house and I can't find any of my stuff anywhere.

If I don't get back to South America really soon, Dug will take Kevin prisoner and Mr. Fredricksen won't get his house to the falls and I won't earn my Assisting the Elderly badge [DEEP BREATH, this is serious business, guys] and then I won't be a Senior Wilderness Explorer and my dad won't be able to pin on my badge and-

[Yeah, Mayfield, he's just going to keep going like this until you stop him.]

[Anywhere on the streets of Mayfield; action]

A. There's a little boy -- still in his pajamas -- walking purposefully down the street in search of a way out of town. Or a policeman. Or something. If you get close, he'll tug on your sleeve or tap you on the shoulder to get your attention.]

B. [Russell's still walking, but now he's clearly exhaused, dragging his feet and stopping frequently to rest. He's managed to loop through the town a couple of times now, completely failing to notice that keeps ending up in the same few neighborhoods. Feel free to find him flopped down on your lawn or sitting on the curb near your house.]
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