j'ai retrouvé mon bébé gelé dans la neige

Apr 30, 2006 17:48

Oh, Gods -- I really didn't anticipate on having as much homework to do today and tomorrow as I actually do. I'm planning on finishing my Politics and making some progress with History today*, giving time to finish the shorter pieces tomorrow and, you know, learn some French -- something which is getting more pressing, and more important, as the days pass.

However, on a cheery note: "The Natural Law Party is a party which promotes transcendal meditation as a means to right the wrongs of the world."

Edited to add: I am making respectable progress with my Politics! I will finish it this evening! :D Happy, happy, happy! (Well, mildly, mildly, mildly.)

* Just ain't gonna happen. But a slight twinge of happiness pervades for I have checked my planner and discovered I don't have History with Mr Watson (he-of-the-many-sheets) until Thursday as Tuesday's lesson is cancelled. Thank you for the extra time!
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