
Oct 13, 2009 11:31

*Huge Sigh* Yeah so my computer has completely bit the dust, it's done with. It won't even start and when it does, it loads and then freezes and then it goes to a blue screen. I even wiped my computer to see if it would work. It worked only so I could get the updates and everything for it. The blue screen tells me something about BIOS being the problem, but I don't even know what the fuck that is, I mean I know a little bit about it, but since I don't know how to fix it I don't want to fuck with it. My computer isn't under warranty anymore (which sucks), so I can't take it in to get fixed. I even tried fixing it in safe mode, but it crashes and goes to that blue screen. I will take a picture of the screen with my camera and try and see if I can get any help online. I don't want to have to buy a new one, especially if it is fixable and not completely fucked. Do any of you know a site where I can go to get computer help, that's not related to Sims?

I am going to put the legacy on hiatus until we get our income tax (the only time we could possibly afford to get a new one), that should be around, I wanna say, March. Gah that is such a long time. I will be using my hubby's laptop to read/comment on entries. I will try to get something simmie on my LJ every once in a while, but it's completely up to the hubby. I have a few pictures (I mean like 10 maybe less) that I will post and that will probably be it for awhile. It sucks so much, I want to cry so much! I am so sorry again!

computer, sad, personal

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