Days 2 & 3

May 09, 2006 22:50

I hate:
The lack of commas
The fact you don't call someone at their number, you call smeone on their number (ex: you can reach me on 856-...)
No 24 hours diners

On monday, we met our sponsership organization, the English speaking union, and they gave us advice concerning how best to live in London and what it would be like to work in Parliment. They also served tea and sandwhiches. It was an interesting if drawn out visit, and I met for the first time a scottish women who one could deem attactive. I mean, when you think of the term, "hot," the first thing that comes to mind isn't "Scottish women."

Interjection: my god it is fucking annoying to have to retype my " every single time since it's in the wrong goddamn spot on the key board.

Also during this visit, I learned that my MP typically expects his interns to go out and drink for hours after the day has ended. Great... The first time I get drunk is now destined to be next to an offical of a foreign government. I'm entirely F-ed.

Following this, most of us went to do touristy things, such as view Buckingham palace and go to Hyde Park. Meh. Been there, etc. interesting but not exactly riveting.

While I am getting to know the people I don't know fairly well, I'm sill not familiar with them, so it was nice to make that progression. However, having previously hung out with them the night prior, I thought I should take a rest for the night- so I spent it around ISH, the international student house, which also house the cyber cafe I'm writing from. In any case, they all apparently had an interesting night, and I won't go into that here.

The next day I woke up promptly and spent the vast majority of the morning geering up for my first meeting with my MP. I must say, I looked fucking hot in my new suit. I was pushing 9 out of ten plus. I'm amazed women didn't just jump on me and go at it.

Anyway I had just walked into the central lobby in parliment when the "Scptere cermony" began, signaling the beginning of the actual day (2:30). My MP was shorter than I expect but generally nice. Unfortunately, he's socialist. Big socialist. As in, nearly was a communist. Yeah, sad. However he is a good man. Of course, then I hear I'd be working 8-11. As in 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. Fun times. But it was his birthday, so it was a light work day. He even bought me a pint of Ale. Amazingly I was able to take it on an empty stomach with no change at all to my disposition, physical or mental abilities. Thank God for good jeans.

Also during this time, I was introduced to a former intern of his who now works for another branch of the government, and she reminded me a lot of ellen, though much more point for point intelligent though slightly less attractive. Nice person, ot'll be good to hear from someone who has already got through my job.

I've noticed that the people who live in England look a lot younger than they actually are, until they reach like 45 then they gain 15-25 years in a mmaner of weeks. But seriously, people that look as if they are 16 are in reality in their mid to late twenties. And the men have great skin. Nearly all of them do. Fuckers.

However, in my suits, I must say I look better than all of them, so I' not worried.
Work tomorrow at 8. Fuck.
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