Feb 06, 2004 14:34
I saw a house driving down the road yesterday. I had to do a double-take. It looked like a small prefab being driven through spaghetti junction.
I keep thinking there was something I was supposed to do this weekend, but I cant remember what. It's driving me knutz.
I got things straightened out with Chris and Sam for next weekend. In exactly one week, I'll be at their house getting settled in and getting ready for a weekend of being shit-faced and having a blast. Friday night is the pre-banquet party at the Zokaites', which is always a lot of fun and usually breaks around dawn. Saturday evening is Banquet, and late Saturday night/early Sunday morning is the post-Banquet party at Dave C.'s.
We used to have a venue that let us have Banquet all night. We rented a rec center for a weekend, and no one who represented the rec center stayed; they just handed over the keys. So we would have our formal dinner, give awards to landowners, and have an excellent presentation of some sort. When all the landowners left, the cavers would change into their normal clothes and party all night. A professional caterer (who was also a caver) would cater, the club would provide a sound system and we'd have a couple of kegs out back. The place was always a little cold, and a little run down, but there was always space to crash for those too inebriated to make it home. People who stayed overnight would help clean up the next day, and then we'd hand the keys back. A few years ago, though, we had a secret puker who went into off-limits places and left presents. We haven't been allowed to use that rec center since, and have had to use professional catering places, which are more expensive, don't allow you to bring in your own alcohol (in lieu of a cash bar), and usually kick you out around midnight, hence the post-Banquet party at someone's house. But that's the price you pay for being rowdy and careless.
Anyway, I think sometime between the drunken debauchery, I'm going to try and catch the Lady Hokies play Miami at Cassell Coliseum. I haven't been to a women's basketball game in a while, and they are always fun. Or maybe I'll hang out at the Bat Ranch all day with the Bat-Rancharians. Or maybe I'll go hiking or go on a cave trip. God, I'm looking forward to this...