The Broken Continent - a new fantasy webseries being produced in DC

Jul 12, 2012 12:41

Want the DC area to have its own Game of Thrones? You can help make it happen! I'm producing, acting and will be the editor for The Broken Continent, a new fantasy web series pilot being filmed this September. But I need your help!

Without the multi-million dollar budget that Game of Thrones enjoys, we will rely on a lot of ingenuity and the internet phenomenon of crowd funding through If you already know what Kickstarter is, to read more about the series and the fundraising goals, go ahead and click on our campaign (and be sure to watch the promo video!) at:

If you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, read the below information first, then click on the link and watch the video at the top of the page.

What's this Kickstarter thing? is a crowd funding website for creative projects. Kickstarter allows you to post a description and video of your project, set a financial goal to complete the project and solicit donations to it. Different donation levels offer different rewards to the donor as thanks. You can see all of our rewards offered on our Kickstarter page. Donation levels start as low as $10 and go as high as $5,000.

Some of the items and experiences we are offering include temporary tattoos, stickers, posters, t-shirts, hoodies, dinner with the cast & crew at Medieval Times, screen-used costume pieces, stage combat lessons and you can even be an extra in the series!

What's this web series all about, who's making it and who's in it?
In the pilot episode, the Daughters of Tairol, a ragged band of female warriors known as the Women of the Wood, seek to halt King Eadwyn Redway’s bloody conquest of Elyrion. For more on the series plot, see

The Broken Continent is produced by award-winning indie filmmakers Francis Abbey of Ciscovaras Pictures, Kelley Slagle of Cavegirl Productions, and Bjorn Munson of Team Jabberwocky. In addition to a talented crew, we have assembled a large cast of both union and non-union actors from a casting call that received over 500 submissions. Accomplished fight choreographer, Robb Hunter of Preferred Arms, will be choreographing all fight scenes in the pilot.

How much money do you hope to raise?
Our initial funding goal is set at $35,000 - which will cover approximately half of our 30 minute pilot script. Our preferred goal is $50,000, which will allow us to film the entire pilot, and among other things, will also allow us to include all of the great sword fighting we’re planning on ;) We have what are called stretch goals for $65,000 and $80,000, which when reached will trigger additional perks for our contributors.

What if you get less than your initial goal - what happens then?
Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Kickstarter is "do or die" - if you do not reach your goal you don't receive any of your pledged money. So it is absolutely crucial that we do reach our goal!

How will the money be spent?
There’s costuming 21 principal actors and lots of extras; there's camera equipment and lighting; there’s sword fighting choreography, rehearsals, weapons and insurance to pay for; there’s mouths to feed and locations to secure. Simply put, to make a high quality, chock full of action fantasy web series, we definitely need your help!

How else can I help?
Spread the word! The success of this campaign and the series depends on getting as many people to notice as possible. Follow our blog, become a fan of The Broken Continent on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and most importantly, share the Kickstarter page!

If you have any questions at all please let me know. And thank you so, so much for any contribution you can make and for helping us get the word out!
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