May 04, 2009 11:23

For those of you not on Facebook...

Seventh film complete.

Genre: Thriller/Suspense
Line of Dialogue: "We're hoping things will change."
Character: Eve or Ivan Pagoda, Coach
Prop: Piece of identification

Managed to do this one not only in one location, but in one room, with only three people on camera.

Smallest cast/crew total ever at 13, including LJ peeps: blindtillnow with brilliant music and on-set sound, neumena genius man behind the camera and editing desk, devolutionary who helped craft our creepy tale with the marvelous Lonnie Martin, king_nerd stepping in as our mr. menacing, and rudelad737, rinesin, and metalcrowe on the PA side doing the odd thankless jobs. And special thanks to whimmydiddle for being our on-call costumer, and theblackotter for being an on-call actor!

I think we in fact rocked this one out.

The FABULOUS Rebecca A. Herron and I rehearse before a take. This woman (and makeup by Kenny Lull) MADE this film. Photo by Christopher Robin.

Screens tomorrow night at 9:30PM at the AFI in Silver Spring. We'll have it online ASAP after that.

Sparky the Alien, our official 48HFP mascot, is pleased.

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