[hearts_andminds: Because she looks like me.]

Oct 12, 2010 21:51

Fred had been incredibly tempted to march herself right to Wesley's room and ask him why he thought keeping vital information from her was a good idea. It wasn't that she didn't understand the impulse to keep the truly alarming knowledge away from her at first -- heaven knew if their positions had been reversed she'd have flailed for an appropriate reaction. She also probably would've held it together a lot less convincingly, so she had to give credit where credit was due. And she didn't want to cause him any more pain. She wondered, idly, if she'd managed to get up the nerve to ask him out for coffee before she died. Or if she'd ever do so now, knowing what she knew.

It was too much knowledge for one girl to deal with on her own, but it was no one else's to deal with, either.

Well, maybe one person's. Demon's, she amended in her head the minute she caught herself thinking about having the conversation. She couldn't start thinking about this Illyria as a person - down that road lay madness, and there was enough madness running around this place already.

It took Fred only a few minutes of deliberation before she looked up Illyria's name in the directory and found the room she was staying in. It took her another whole day of changing her mind back and forth before she firmly decided that her only option was to confront this thing head-on before that choice was taken away from her, too.

She had her hand raised to knock firmly when the door swung inward, robbing her of even that much power.
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