Mar 10, 2009 18:59
In your universe
Is a surface.
Your four dimensions of space and time,
The quanta,
All the surface of a great manifold.
And, if Hawking is correct,
and the universe has a wave function,
then as Feynman, we can sum over histories,
revealing the many worlds of Everett and Wheeler.
By what strange math is the manifold universe bound
That we should see the results of paths not taken,
And yet by decoherence, be forever unable
to retrace those steps and arrive
in that other world?
Shröedinger's Cat is not dead, not alive,
in one universe or another.
It is not God playing dice, but the flow and ebb
of higher dimensions.
Then to the sound of strings we vibrate, each with
our own function, summed over histories, decohering across
the manifold.