complete hatred for aol instant messanger....

Apr 25, 2004 23:37

heres a tip. when you update it for the 50th time, make the profile limit just a little bit longer! what is the point in limiting people in what they can say/type? i find it quite ridiculous. they frown upon lots of words, colors, and italics/bold/links. it makes me really really mad sometimes. i had this great idea for a new profile, and now i cant do it. it is very frusterating. tonight there was an anytown meeting. everyone had something overly interesting to say, ie trip to israel, women's rights march, serious issues in our town. i talked about my new electric razor and my new guitar. good ol' materialism. my life lacks drama and/or things of any interest. i go to school. i write songs occasionally. i work at omaha. i have friends that dont agree with my beliefs. i love my wife. thats it for me. things have changed so much from last year for me, it is remarkable. last year i had so many things going on/going wrong i eventually blacked out or passed out, which ever makes more sense. granted it was partially because of extremely graphic and extremely old slides of human reproductive organs, i still collapsed one day. now things seem much more simple. i guess its just called senioritis. i usually get really agitated or riled up on sunday nights because i dont do any homework all weekend and because i never feel like i lived out the weekend to its fullest potential. i always think about all the things i didnt do that i wanted to. my senior project is pretty empty. for everything i have handed in, when i have to sit down and write the paper and come up with an idea for the final presentation, i will be fucked. but i will put it off until the night before because i wont care until the very last possible point, where i will inevitably flip out. the project is such a waste of time. one day teachers/education individuals will realize that it does no good to make kids work extremely hard on something that wont matter the day they hand it in. it makes the kids that work hard anyway feel stupid, and it makes the kids that never work hard get angry about having to do so much work. the project should just be research something and write a paper. if kids dont do it, or slack off, who really cares? they probably did it for the rest of their high school life. if people blow it off, who cares? on a much much broader scale, i wish people took more responsibility for their actions in this country. no one ever wants to be guilty of anything or feel responsible it seems like....

i am stopping now because by the end, it is just a lazy boy complaining. listen to the new albums from onelinedrawing and statistics, they are phenomenal....
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