Apr 15, 2004 22:58
well i am watching a video of the song "family name" by the tremendous local band riding bikes, they are sooooooo good. i am going to buy the EP! but thats not really whats been going on lately, i just found the video tonight. a lot has happened since last post i am sure. the most pressing issue i suppose is that Dr. Michael Fowlin came to HMHS! finally we had our anytown day extravaganza in the form of mykee talking to the whole school and then again at night to the community. despite my feelings it really was a BIG success. BIG. we went to Friendleys to celebrate, thats how big it was! i really only heard positive feedback about it besides people who were only trying to make me angry, which is pretty sad; even on a day that was extremely important to me, they didnt understand and probably blew it off. oh well, the amount of others who i think were touched was worth it. my only problem was that i wanted more parents to come to the night session; which they didnt. good turn out, but i was angry anyway. only 4 board members showed up for one thing. i got really emotional during dinner talking to gom and pops after my all-anytown day and then SEED today. i wont bother talking about how i feel and what i said here however, as i would probably just get made fun of later and i hate being preachy. i sent a letter to someone very important to me after getting riled up at dinner to help clear my thoughts and afterwards i felt terrific. the wife even came over after work! oh dear it was so very fun! thats it for now, more pressing things at hand for the moment. i will update tomorrow night i believe....
"never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the worldl indeed, it's the only thing that ever does...."