so much to tell, yet so little i remember....

Mar 30, 2004 22:25

a little bit has happened since the last post to say the least. i guess i shouldn't have waited so long, but as i have found i have been in the mood to post. which pretty means not feeling lazy and dont have anything else pressing to do. as i just wrote that last sentence i wondered if this was a real blog, and would it be credible even though i dont use punctuation usually besides periods at the ends of sentences. i havent read enough official blogs to make that determination. oh well. so senior trip was all last week and into the weekend. ill just sum up memories here now, at least the ones i can remember;

"andres, i bet you wouldnt do that for $1000", "seriously, fuck you guys...", "tony! tony! im a hoooornfrog!", would andres rather instead of would you rather, my room friends, "aww yeah steve", hot jasmine, andres' rendition of whole new world, e cons, "ive learned one thing from this trip and one thing only; i hate people", den, 6 hours in epcot with nothing to do (bill nye and ellen's adventure), dr's busted chin, bailing out of the rafts at blizzard beach and getting injured (but still doing it 5 times in a row), "wench, brrrrrrrriiiing me my food and drink!", blue knight at the dance party (what the fuck), eating 4 course meals every other hour, sausage fest, tony's bizarro world theory, rg, slow clap at cirq, dr not going on flying unicorn (and then it getting shut down)....

thats it for the most part, there are other things of course that i cant remember at this time. there was of course spending time with punky rooster (and others) haha. and just all around good times with people....

today and yesterday were fairly similar besides yesterday where we all heard the same like 3 stories about the trip every period because there was always like one person that would say "wait, what? i didnt hear that story". ugh. im going to syracuse this weekend which im actually pretty psyched about, maybe i can show off my ipod to people in the communications school haha. i was saddened to find out DJ didnt get in! ridiculous! i had dreams of rooming with him hahaha. anyways, i watched sandlot last night and impressed the future wife, i just know it! haha and now im super pumped about friday!!!! plus spring break after this weekend isnt too bad either i guess. thats all thats worth reporting for now i think....

have you ever made yourself take a mental picture of something and told yourself to remember it so that when you saw it again you had deja vu? ive done it like 4 times and i think its one of coolest things in the world....
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