Jul 24, 2005 20:12
I don't think i'm making some sort of dramatic comeback into the world of livejournal, but it's nice to keep in touch with a lot of my friends... and since i absolutely abhore AIM, this'll have to do. I don't remember what the name of that college web portal thing is where you have links of all your friends who have links to friends and you meet people at your school who mutually have similar friends. But whenever i get my fucking UT email, i'll sign up. I miss a lot of my old friends. I miss the Senior gang, class of '04 and my track buddies, bowling teamers, etc. Forensics... eh, i'm glad to be done with. Judging will be fun, but there is soooo much pointless drama there and fake friends. Other then that, i'm doing fine. Well, there is my semi annual update. Call me some time.