Ayla Med Plot

Feb 16, 2008 21:04

Main Actions
kills bacteria
stops diarhea
kills germs
dries secretions
Increases urination

Other Actions
reduces inflammation
suppress coughs
increase libido
aids digestion
reduces fever
lowers blood sugar
reduces blood pressure
lowers body temperature

Standard Dosage
Leaf, Bark

Decoction: 1/2 cup, 2-3 times daily

cashews are actually highly toxic.

Not "a little nauseated" toxic, they're "put-a-good-sized-healthy-guy-out-of-commission" toxic. At least when they are in their natural state.

The cashew hails from South America, but is now grown mostly in India. The cashews grow as a seed on an evergreen bush that is related to the poison sumac-sounds good, huh? To be processed for eating, the cashew mush be harvested, removed from the "apple" in which it grows, and cooked. It's not really the nut that is toxic, but the apple. Even the juices it leaves on the nut are caustic enough to do a person harm. When one goes to the grocery, and sees "raw cashews" they aren't really raw. Because of the liability issue, one cannot buy truly raw cashews easily.

Why call them raw when they're not? I don't know.

And don't worry about being accidentally poisoned by one. There hasn't been a case of cashew poisoning this century.

If you're going to worry, worry about nutmeg. There are people in the world who get high off of nutmeg. Most agree that one has to be desperate to resort to the seemingly innocuous spice for a buzz, but it works. Eating more than 3 nuts (or about 50mg of the powdered stuff) is enough to spawn hallucinations, kill a few brain cells, and massacre the taste buds.

No matter the fact that nutmeg can add flavor to an apple pie or dispense a buzz do not apply to open wounds! A little nutmeg in the blood system can kill a person.

Most of the people who try nutmeg for the psychotropic effects report unpleasant experiences, so I'm not advocating its use, but I can't help but wonder why a substance with very similar effect-specifically marijuana- is illegal, while nutmeg is just as potent, less pleasant, and in every granny's cupboard.

The problem isn't the nut, it's the lining of the pod that contains the toxic stuff

Patient will present with:
excruciating stomach pain
dry mouth
rash on hands
Possible diagnosis:
scabies/heat rash
poison ivy

Next phase:
Inflamed, irritated mouth (inside and lips) that remails dry
eyes dry out and swell shut
continued abdominal pain
spreading rash
lowered body temp
lowered blood sugar
lowered blood pressure
sporadic consciousness
Possible diagnosis:

Next phase:
Vomiting Blood
extreme constipation
rash disappearing
lower abdominal pain
Possible diagnosis:
running out of options and most ideas can't be tested for
House figures it out
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