Well, there I am with glasses... the pics weren't the best... so anyway... heh
Reuben is the best at having his picture made to look like he is on drugs.
Isn't he adorable!
This picture just makes me want to hug him up!
This is Reuben's classic pose. If you tell him to smile for the camera... there it is!
I really like this pic of me an Kathiryn... nowif I could figure out the redeye mess... Oh and there you can see my new haircut too.
Here's Uncle Marty. I feel so bad for him right now. His wife is going through her first week of basic training in the Air Force. He said she sounded horrible on her fisrt call hiome, but read something online about this kind of thing being forced. Like they have to sound scared or something. I don't know, but I hope she is doing ok.
Kathiryn went and got shots today. She is now 11pds12oz!! Which, I might add is very healthy! Here are some pics we took last night.
She looks so sweet!
I finally got that smile on camera! It is even better than that, and she has a dimple on one cheek.
Last I'll leave you with one that belongs on a greeting card...