May 08, 2006 21:32
Yeah, so I haven't posted here in awhile, and seeing as how I'm extremely bored, I figured that this would be a great time to do so! I could be watching my beloved Cubs, but right now their sucking big time(and this is a surprise, why? *sigh*) Nothing too exciting has happened lately. The Stage Call banquet on Friday was fun. Ya know, even when camparing the fun factor in the banquets, I can see that giving up the sports world to get into the world of theatre was one of the best choices I ever made. The rest of the weekend was pretty normal. Hung out with Renee friday night and watched Tristan and Isolde(not great, but pretty good), Saturday I hung out with Dan and Amanda, and Sunday I layed around the house half asleep because of the cold medicine I had to take. Mary comes home this weekend, which will be fun. I just have to make sure I get all of her clothes out of my closet and into hers. My parents are thinking about making our summer vacation on Sanibel Island, which I am SUPER EXCITED about! I talked to Irene about it today, told my mom, and when she looked up info on it she liked the idea. I will be SOOOOOO HAPPY if we go! It looks SOO pretty! Yay :-D. As for school, I'm bringing up the B's in French and Geometry, so all's well. Health is about to bore me out of my mind, but I think I can handle it. I find doodling to be a great way to pass the time. Hmm.....I think that's about it. Bon soir!