Dec 12, 2005 18:41
c r y i n g section.
when was the last time you really cried your heart out? It's kinda been a long time.. probably when my childhood dog Zoe died. I had her since i was 2.. it's been over a year..
ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes.
ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Yes.
ever cried over the opposite sex?: Yes.
do you cry when you get an injury?: Depends on whow bad, but i've never cried as a result of a horse injury lol
do certain songs make you cry? no.. that's way too emo.
h a p p y section.
are you normally a happy person?: Happy on the inside, I'm just a tough outer shell
what can make you happy? Just other people in general, my horses and my puppies
do you wish you were happier: everyone wants more
what makes you the happiest?: it's kinda sad, but i do not know..
is being happy overrated?: no, it's all anyone wants
can music make you happy?: of course, it's always uplifting
l o v e section.
how many times have you had your heart broken?: Once. Recently.
do you still have feelings for any of your old significant others?: just that one
have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: No.
did you ever love a guy/girl, tell them that, and only got 'thanks' as a reply: uhh no, cause Love is nothing but a hormone.
has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you?: yes.. it was awkward. i ended the conversation with a handshake and ran for the hills.
h a t e section.
who do you actually hate?: Way too long a list. I know Hate is a strong word, but people just aggrivate the living shit out of me.
ever made a hit list?: No...
have you ever been on a hit list?:.. probably lol i piss people off alot
are you a mean bully?: yes lol, i like to kid alot.. most people know i'm only joking though
do you hate any one that breaks your heart?: ... no, that's the problem.
do you hate George Bush?: I believe in political abstenance.. no Bush, no dick.
s e l f - e s t e e m section.
is your self-esteem extremely low?: no, id say average, I'm not egotistical
do you believe in yourself?: Not really.
when people say they think you are pretty, do you deny you are?: Usually. Unless they're really drunk, so I just say "Thank you"... <-- totally taking Cassie's answer lol
ever wanted to kill yourself because you thought you weren't good enough? NO once again, tooooo emo. Killing yourself is not something to take lightly
are you happy with who you are?: When i find out who that is, i'll let you know
do you wish you can be someone else?: no, i'm unique, and if people don't like that, they can kiss my italian american ass.
-Current Mood: Decent, just cold
-Current Music: Phish lol
-Current Taste: Minty, i just brushed my teeth
-Current Hair: straight and kinda messy.. i like it
-Current Annoyance: my cold feet
-Current Longing: to see someone..
-Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing: Writing my research paper, taking a shower, college essays lol
-Current Windows Open: a few AIM convos and Livejournal
-Current desktop picture?: Angel of course
-Current Favourite Music Artist: So.. hard.. to.. choose.. The Grateful Dead?
-Current Favourite Group: Uhhh Atmosphere
-Current Favourite Book: Dean Koontz's "Odd Thomas"
-Current CD In Stereo: Nothing. I listen to my iPod.
-Current Video In VCR: No VCR
-Current DVD in DVD player: Practical Magic
-Current Colour Of Toenails: nuttin'
-Current colour of Finger Nail polish: None.
-Current Refreshment: Agua
-Current Worry: Detention for skipping second period lol
Type of chocolate: Dark and bitter (jus' like me)
Eye color: Green. that's just hot.
Dog breed: Scottish Terriers
Word to use when you want to sound smart: Fundamentalfrienddependability (lol)
Candle scent: Uhh that's just weird
Method of communication (in person, telephone, etc): In person.
Weather: Warm, sunny and a slight breeze, no humidity, just warm.
Summer activity: Riding on the beach bareback like a fairy tale lol
Winter activity: Snowball fights
Computer game: uhh solitaire?
Newspaper comic: Garfield of course
Section in a bookstore: Fiction
The one you can stand for the longest amount of time: uhh Katie
Wears the funkiest socks: Libby
The activist: Brianna
The most boy (or girl) obsessed: Harmony
The one who you wouldn't care if they disappeared from the face of this earth: that's not something you say about a friend.
The best musician: I don't know, kaitlyn?
The overachiever: COUGH BRIANNA
The worst taste in music: KAITLYN I HATE DAVE MATTHEWS!
Needs a life: Katie, we're gunna get you one.
The best singer: Drunk, definatly Chris.
The most expansive vocabulary: I dunno
Has the niftiest house: KATIE damn you're taking thesee
Talks way too much: no such thing
The one you truly worry about: I worry about all of my friends, because no matter what I say or do, (or never say or do), I love them all.
Elvis or Madonna? Elvis
Green or red? Green
Sci-fi thriller or trashy romance? Trashy Romance *gasp*
Martial arts or yoga? Martial Arts
Lollipop or Hershey's Kiss? CHOCOLATE
When you sleep, bedroom door open or closed? Closed
Jacket or sweatshirt? Pea-coat
Radio or CDs? CDs.
Recliner chair or cushion on the floor? Recliner chair
Bunk bed: top or bottom? top
Handwriting or typing? Typing.
Chicken Soup: SUCKS
Ballet or jazz? just gay.
I deleted that last section cause it was retarded and i'm lazy