The weather is beautiful this week and Mirella wants to go outside all the time. Every time I walk in the general direction of the front door, she follows with her trill and meow, excited at just the thought of an excursion. She has started doing the typical indecisive cat thing, and once we get out on the front stoop she thinks she wants to go back inside. The neighborhood has been busy since the weather has warmed up, and there is a crew out ripping the little overhangs off of some of the buildings. They are going to be replaced with fabric awnings, to improve "curb appeal" no doubt. The same rationale was used when they pained all of the perfectly appealing red brick buildings, and now the paint is just hiding flaws. We've noticed that the lock on the front door isn't latching into its metal frame as well as it used to, and the door to the second bedroom is always stuck. The paint on our ceiling is bubbled, likely because of our upstairs neighbor's appliances. J thinks the building is sinking. What's that they say about putting lipstick on a pig? We love the apartment and the fact that the building is old and the rent is cheap, but the association should invest in the larger issues in the complex.
I had a meeting today, which was nearly a waste of time. It's difficult to separate myself from the issues at hand, and it seems to be difficult for them to censor themselves around me, since I was so heavily entrenched in the issues to begin with. Anyway, progress was made and I have more and more work to do. Have I mentioned how nice it will be to have a real job? It would be nice. Yoga practice still hasn't started again in earnest. Oye. It will happen tomorrow I'm also going to the ceramics studio to make sure my pots haven't dried up before I could trim them. Class should be fun on Friday, just another day with the clay ladies.