!Onorata History

Aug 07, 2008 00:03

Harvey Dent
Affiliation: Neutral
Position: District Attorney / Mayor-in-Running

His story:

Fight for what you believe in, Harvey Dent. And if luck doesn’t favor you, then create your own.

With the two-headed coin, pressed into the palm of his hand and the one piece of advice from his father that he would never abandon, Harvey Dent grew up seeing Reggio Calabria in a light completely different from the one most did. The fact that he saw the city in light at all spoke loads of his character and beliefs. Whereas most saw the blood stains, the cracked concrete, the bullet holes, and the homeless, battered mothers with their children, mingling with the second-shift prostitutes on the street corners, Harvey saw the city for what it could be. A city without crime, without a feuding mafia turf war; a city that could be restored to what the Roman Empire had been before it had crumbled in, first on itself and then to the Germanic tribes of the north.

Perhaps it was a result of his parents’ professions in law, the sense of justice and trial and fairness that was drilled into him from the tenderest of ages. Or perhaps it was the glimpses of hope, of cities not breaking under the weight of its own corruption, that he saw when his parents took him abroad, his Reggio Calabria education being interrupted, for months at a time, while he received more liberal, enlightened educations from schools in cities and countries that were so similar and yet so different from his home.

But Harvey’s parents always gravitated back to the run down, beaten old city. And he did as well.

Whether or not it was a misguided, idealistic, hopeless belief in the potential of what Reggio Calabria could be and the good that lay dormant inside of its people that kept the Dents fighting for it, Harvey could never be sure. But his strong sense of justice and his unwavering belief that if someone simply stood up, spoke out, they could make a difference, carried him, even past his parents’ deaths, into a field identical to theirs.

Returning from studying abroad at a prestigious law school in France, Harvey quickly reacquainted himself with his parents’ old colleagues, determined to begin his parents’ work where they had left off.

It didn’t take long for most of their colleagues and the newer faces to the law profession in Reggio Calabria, scattered and scarce as it was, to warm to the son of the Dent’s. Harvey was intelligent, charming, and quite charismatic. With his unshakeable faith in the justice system and his ability to twist words and see the truth from multiple angles, he quickly established his reputation as a credible and skilled lawyer.

He was barely twenty five when the subject of nominating him for the District Attorney position was brought up. The incumbent attorney had decided to retire, his own faith in the Reggio Calabria justice system having dwindled down to almost nothing in the years he had spent trying and failing to bring some measure of order to the streets. Now was the time for a new DA, one who could unite the people and bring some measure of hope into the blackened lives of the citizens of Reggio Calabria.

Who better than the young, blond-haired, brilliant visionary with the ever-present smile on the surface and sharp tongue underneath.

Harvey’s campaign and election into the position of District Attorney was almost effortless-his personality and strong stance on justice leading the campaign strongly enough that he barely had to do anything beyond reinforcing his platform.

At twenty six, he was the youngest elected District Attorney Reggio Calabria had ever had.

Now, three years later, Harvey’s record with the criminal underworld of Reggio Calabria is the best that the city has ever seen. Sure, he hasn’t been able to stop the mafia war. And no, his hopes of cleansing the Antimafia Commission from its corruption haven’t come to pass (he works with them selectively, at best). And crime, in the streets of Reggio Calabria, never rests for longer than ten minutes. But the city’s jails are as full as they have ever been and crime rates are-however insignificant the percentage-down. It’s something that Reggio Calabria could only have ever dreamt of, but never tasted. The sort of deed only accomplished by a knight-in-shining armor. And goodness knows the city had been in need of one for a long time.

Still, Harvey’s dreams are nowhere close to being fulfilled and his father’s words burn with the two-headed coin in the palm of his hand.

Now, the voices that had previously been clamoring for a new district attorney have grasped onto a new idea-a new man in the highest position of power the city could have, barring the mafia dons. A new mayor.

And who better to turn to than Reggio Calabria’s own White Knight? Rumor has it that he even creates his own luck. Which is a good thing, because, given the state that the streets of Reggio Calabria are in, he’s going to need as much of it as he can get.

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