Title: Ripples
Characters/Pairings: Bruce/Clark, Midnighter/Apollo, Superwoman/Batwoman, Hoshi (Tekkohito)/Hana (Komori), and various other versions of DCU characters
For Prompt F52: Clark and Bruce, currently just friends, somehow meet up with (preferably two or more) alternate versions of themselves who are married/in a serious relationship. The
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“A little help,” he said, hoping that in the confusion, he and Superman had ended up in the same place.
Heh, I love that casualness of Bruce's part, showing how much he trusts Clark already.
Clara and Brooke were wonderful--perfectly recognizable as them, yet with an extra familiarity and ease of interaction which made them seem distinctly female.
“We’ve met other versions of us before. None as funny-looking as you guys, but still.”
HAH! Oh, it was great to see Apollo and Midnighter here. I was just sorry I didn't get to see more of them, to be honest, but leaving us craving more is perfect (because that's what your leaving Clark and Bruce doing too, right?)
And then he wondered when he’d started thinking of him as his Superman.
“So, the Man of Steel comes to rescue his vengeful bat.”
*sniffle* Hoshi was so sad and wonderful here.
“Don’t worry, I have not harmed him.”
“No,” Clark said, “of course you wouldn’t.”
Oh, I especially love these lines because I feel like they reveal that Clark has come to accept his love for Bruce by now, if he knows that no version of him would hurt Bruce.
It was a difficult thought to swallow. The thought of hundreds, even thousands of versions of them out there, living and loving and fighting side by side. But perhaps the most difficult part was thinking that reality might exist in every world except their own.
That's absolutely exquisite, and the last line is so beautiful. The language in this story is very lovely and lyrical, and the image of the ripples was just perfect. I'm so thrilled with this story! *beams with joy*
*beams* Wow, thank you so much!
Clara and Brooke were wonderful--perfectly recognizable as them, yet with an extra familiarity and ease of interaction which made them seem distinctly female.
Thanks! When I read that recent Countdown tie-in with the reversed gender world, I kept wanting more Superwoman/Batwoman interaction, so I had to have them in here.
HAH! Oh, it was great to see Apollo and Midnighter here. I was just sorry I didn't get to see more of them, to be honest, but leaving us craving more is perfect (because that's what your leaving Clark and Bruce doing too, right?)
Yup, exactly! Just a little taste of Apollo/Midnighter goodness. ;) I was a little nervous about writing them because I never have before, but I'm glad it worked well enough to leave you wanting more.
The language in this story is very lovely and lyrical, and the image of the ripples was just perfect. I'm so thrilled with this story! *beams with joy*
Thank you so much! I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it!
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