(no subject)

Aug 09, 2010 18:48

Cosplay work is starting in the next few days. The wigs are being picked out and everything is getting under way. It's almost exciting, you know?

This past weekend, Cross Closed. It was a sad time for me. I had been in that RP for 5 years, but I knew it was the time to just let it go, if only for now. I know that if I was to reopen it, I would change it quite a bit. Partly for playing ability and mostly since lately what I've been rping is Kamen Rider and J-Drama's so I'd want to change it a little so I could play those characters there. Personally.... I think Kamen Riders in Cross would just be fucking awesome.

I made a lot of friends in Cross. Some of them I live with and a lot of them I don't really talk to anymore though I wish I did. It is just a fact of life that people move on in their lives after a while. While you hope that things will stay the way they were forever, you know it's impossible.

But now I am thinking of where exactly to put most of my rp focus now. I'd like for my main RP to be more ....free form. Something I could put my characters in and know that I don't have to worry about something or other impeding anything I'd want to do with them. The character's I really want to app somewhere right now are Shoutarou (Kamen Rider W) and Yuusuke (Kamen Rider Decade/Kuuga). At one point I was very much going to app a different character into CFUD, but after thought and consideration, I know very well I could not successfully go through the apping process that they have there. I don't believe in my skills or my ability to pull off characters in the ways I know that more well-known people would like for them to act. Also, while being very freeformed, CFUD would feel too restricting to me. I don't really like having so many eyes on how I'm doing things. I'd rather just have my fun and let everything proceed the way things will proceed without worrying "Is someone going to say something?" or "Is this completely okay to do with him?" or "This doesn't really look like shipping does it?"

That same thing might be why I have been faltering on having Ragna anymore. He is the main characters in his series and suddenly the BlazBlue cast in Amat has been picking up members so I am started to feel like I am not the correct person to be playing him there since it's already an odd setting. I would be just fine continuing to play him if it was anywhere else that wasn't Amat.

So.. now to find a good rp I can.. do things in.

I'm a shipper, damn it. I'm not even going to sit here and act like I'm not DX even when it comes to Toku.

D/ling the new Air Gear musical now. +_+ Once it's finished I am dead to all until I have finished watching it.

cross, rp, cosplay

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