Dec 02, 2006 23:46
So..... its December...and i'm almost done. i went through a lot of trouble with the packaging ideas. lots were formed and tried but fell through. i've got it now though. i don't have a scanner to show you the final version, but i'll do that when i go see my folks in a few days. its basically an updated and coloured version of that policecar/kite image...printed on transparent labels. front cover and a tracklisting/album info on the back. i'm happy with it. the last thing i have to do is make a little booklet... and i'm really only doing it because the cardboard covers come with a flap to put a booklet it, and it would be silly to not use it. Going with the police idea, i'm going to put together a mini-zine of stuff i wrote a while ago, which were basically short police 'crime beat' reports set in a fictional and slightly magical town called Blinksville. i'll post a few samples later.
the cd itself, is blue and has a white owl with red eyes on it. i have about 500 of them sitting under my bed.
So although i expect to be ready in a week... i don't think i'll have it ready for christmas presents...but probably something to welcome in the new year?
thanks for your patience kids.