110 - VIDEO

May 16, 2010 13:17

[Elle sits down in front of the camera, looking decidedly freaked out. Her hair is damp.]

Okay, I was willing to roll with probably being a businesswoman or maybe, like, a really high-class hooker...

[Awkward glance down at her push-up bra and shirt with the plunging neckline.]

And then I was in the shower and there was this spider and it kinda startled me and I electrocuted myself. I dunno how, but it felt like I think sticking my finger in an outlet would feel.

[She waves her hand like she's trying to conjure up electricity, but nothing happens.]

What if I'm--

[On the lam from a government research facility? An alien? A superhero in disguise? She kind of squeaks as she realizes that in none of those situations is sharing a good thing.]

Never mind.


Has anyone seen a chubby middle-aged balding man with glasses around? I've got a--

Never mind.

flood || amnesia, my memory is like swiss cheese, flood, !spam, my superpower is cooler than yours

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