Jul 01, 2009 13:50


[private to Peter]

I need to see you.

[private to Kahlan]

How could you do that to me?

[ooc: For the folks on Level 0, Elle threw a bit of a hissy fit when confession wore off. There was some clanging of bars and throwing things. Maybe an angry shriek or two.]

adam is my go-to for everything ever, lockdown! cell block style, peter is my serious long-term boyfriend, !spam

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Private - guess who's running himself into the ground AND is mad at you mimic_peter July 2 2009, 00:10:58 UTC
I'm busy right now, Elle.


Private cautionarystory July 2 2009, 00:38:19 UTC

[She totally just threw her journal at the wall because she's mature like that.]


Private - added a bit later, after she's calmed down cautionarystory July 2 2009, 01:01:20 UTC


Private - after another pause as he's running around mimic_peter July 2 2009, 01:04:54 UTC
Is your side hurting?


Private cautionarystory July 2 2009, 01:06:26 UTC


Private mimic_peter July 2 2009, 01:09:06 UTC
Is it really or are you just saying that to make me come down there?


Private cautionarystory July 2 2009, 01:10:28 UTC


Private mimic_peter July 2 2009, 01:12:29 UTC
That's not really an option.


Private cautionarystory July 2 2009, 01:14:51 UTC
It hurts, okay? Come down.


Private - spam? I'll start mimic_peter July 2 2009, 02:14:05 UTC
On a scale of one to ten, how badly does it hurt?


Private - sounds good! cautionarystory July 2 2009, 02:17:48 UTC


Private/Spam mimic_peter July 2 2009, 02:55:45 UTC
I'll be there in an hour.

[It was actually more like two hours before he actually showed up. Not through a lack of trying. She was one of his patients too, even if he didn't feel like dealing with the relationship aspect until the worst of this death toll stuff had blown over.

He approached her cell, a bottle of pain pills in one hand and fresh bandages in the other in case she needed it.]

"Let's see the wound."


Spam cautionarystory July 2 2009, 03:08:12 UTC
[On a scale of one to ten, the pain was more along the lines of four or five, but Elle figured a higher number would get Peter there quicker.

... Or not.

She wasn't just some patient, she was his girlfriend. Shouldn't he be treating her... well, less clinically? And not take hours to show up when she asked to see him? It made her feel like she was a kid again, trying to get Daddy's attention.

She gave him a slightly offended glare as she pulled her shirt over her head, but the glare melted into a smirk once the shirt was off.]

"Hi there, nurse."


Spam mimic_peter July 2 2009, 03:25:38 UTC
[Peter didn't let himself think about the fact that her shirt was off. He just focused on the wound. It didn't look infected or anything like that, though it probably wouldn't hurt to change the bandage anyway since he was here.]

"I'm going to redress the wound, okay? Here, take a couple of these. It'll help."

[He handed her the bottle of pills.]


Spam cautionarystory July 2 2009, 03:35:51 UTC
[Elle's face fell again when he didn't respond to either the glare or the smirk. She obediently swallowed the pills, the feeling of being back at the Company increasing. Silently, she begged him to pay attention to her, not the wound, but he seemed so distant.

She raised her arm out of the way and held it behind her head, giving him easy access to the bandage on her side.

Her chest felt tight, her stomach was clenching, and it had nothing to do with the wound.]

"I love you."


Spam mimic_peter July 2 2009, 03:54:05 UTC
[Ah, hell.

Peter sighed to himself, just focusing on the task in front of him for a few moments before he glanced up at her. She had way too much power him and he knew it.]

"I love you too." [He paused for a moment.] "I'm mad at you for being a part of this stupid thing but I can't really have that conversation right now, okay? I have a lot of stuff to do."


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