I have been thinking about creating a time tracking application for some time - over a year, maybe two - so I was intrigued by a comment on a
friends blog about software to track their application and web usage and remind them when they exceed preset limits in order to better manage their time and decrease productivity loss.
I knew there were options out there, but when I researched it previously, I didn't come up with anything that was either priced affordable or functioned well with a good user interface. The comment in this blog lead me to one I was previously unaware of, and in researching it I found a couple other new options on the scene (all linked below).
Both Rescue Time and Journal Live are web-based applications, in that you must be online so they can send their data up to a central online server. Slife on the other hand is an offline application that keeps everything local. For those very concerned about privacy, Slife seems a better choice, at least at face value. It also seems a better choice for obvious reasons for laptop users.
All of them provide free personal use options and offer value-added features, business editions, etc for their paid licensing.
http://www.rescuetime.com http://www.journallive.com http://www.slifelabs.com I'm still trying to decide which to use. I wonder if they would freak out if I used ALL THREE at the same time! :D
EDIT: I just installed Slife at home. We'll see how it goes. I think I'll install one of the other two at work. Probably Rescue Time, it's cheaper for business accounts (though I'll be starting as a personal account initially, anyway).