causticmayhemx = Writing Journal.
xsideofparadise = Archive Journal.
This is not friends only anymore, I will add anyone who adds this unless I don't like you and then, well, I won't. Because it's my journal and I can choose to not add you if I do not wish. Also, while you're at my journal, please act with a sense of class and decorum and respect. I don't tolerate immature assholes or pretentious assholes. So please be respectful.
NO FLAMING. It's pathetic, really. Find something better to do with your time. If you're here to start drama, then I suggest you click the back button because you're wasting your time. I'm here to write and share it with whoever wants to read it. I refuse to waste my time with people who aren't worthy of it.
DISCLAIMER: All of the stories posted herein are false. Some are inspired by what happens in my personal life or my friend's lives. None of this is true. I use the names and faces simply for amusement and because, really, who on here reads original fiction, anyway?
ALSO: Never accuse me of plagarism. No one has, but this is coming from a bit of kept-in ranting. I do not plagarize. I do not have the time to read every single story so if there are any similar parts in my stories and in someone else's, it's probably coincidence. I've had people copy my work before (on Quizilla, word for word) and I know how crummy that feels to have someone rip me off. I would not do that to someone else.
Thank you.