Apr 27, 2010 00:55
An experimental stab at creating a Tumblr just now led to a series of unconfounded and pretty amazing discoveries: Being the lazy ass that I am, I simply cannot fathom the idea of going through the same long, arduous process that finally took me to the blogs and blog names I've had thus far. And so, I thought -- without much thinking, really -- that the name under which I wished to create this new account was to be the same as the one I have currently.
To my dismay, and somewhat surprise I might add, it was already taken. And being the curious creature that I am, went to check out just who this username bête noire was.
Of course I could give all her details away right here, but I will not. Just out of, um... respect? Or something like that. Not as if you guys can't do that for yourselves if you wanted to, but anyyyywayy.
This girl is freaky. Well, not her. Well, maybe she is, I wouldn't know past her non-empirical internet identity. The situation is freaky.
I was seriously boggled by how uncannily similar we are. Oh alright, mild overstatement there. But she loves art, especially pop, surreal photography, fashion (Alexander McQueen, hellooo) and we even have the same-ish taste in music. Is it not possible to postulate that username twins can actually be kindred spirits? Kindred virtual spirits. I am lol-ling at the idea. Well, except for the video games bit since I'm not much of a gamer. Holeh moleh, she even posted a poster of this artist who I religiously follow on Flickr because I just love his works so much. I suppose she could've just nicked it off a fellow blogger's Tumblr, but yeah, she still put it up, no? I realise how incredibly stalkerish this sounds of me, but it is a rather neat exposition to not share.
Still doesn't change the fact that I'm not getting the name that I want though. Bummer. Maybe I should just stick with this one.